One good turn deserves another
One good turn deserves another
It's not often that you get the chance to save someone's life. But what are the odds that the same person would turn around and save yours?

Depew: It's not very often that you get the chance to save someone's life. But even if you did, what are the odds that the same person, would turn around and save yours?

17-year old Kevin Stephan works as a Bowmansville volunteer fireman, but seven years ago, he was a batboy at his brother's baseball game.

He ended up in the wrong place as a player was warming up.

"I was hit across the chest with a baseball bat and my heart had stopped. Mrs. Brown came out and did CPR to revive me," says Kevin.

The woman who came out of the stands to get Kevin breathing again, had the favor returned, ten days ago.

Penny Brown was choking on food at the Hillview restaurant in Depew and Kevin was working there and ended up being the one to get Penny to breathe again.

"Seven years later, she came in to the restaurant that I used work at and started choking on food. I came out and did the heimlich on her to bring her back," he says adding that when you stop and think about it, it's an extraordinary situation that occurred.

"You can't really put in to words. It's nice to know that we both had basic life saving techniques under our belts so we could help one another," says he.

Nice to know and unusual enough to attract national media attention interviews for appearances on "Good Morning America" and CNN.

"I was just in disbelief, I couldn't believe what just happened. I saved a woman who saved me."

The old saying is that one good turn deserves another and sometimes it actually happens.

(With inputs from Saubhagya Kala)

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