What to Look for When Authenticating Longchamp
Button Real Longchamp bags have buttons that feature the Longchamp logo and the date. The lettering on the button will be uniformly curved and there will always be a horseback rider in the center. The snap of an authentic Longchamp button always closes with ease and security. If you notice that your button has misspelled lettering, is missing a logo or date and feels flimsy, your Longchamp bag is likely fake.
Material Authentic Longchamp bags have thick leather handles and accents. The edges are thin and painted, as opposed to fake edges, which are typically stringy and thick. The nylon on real bags is slippery and has a slight sheen. If the Longchamp bag you’re holding has a rough, plastic texture and features thin, faux leather, it’s most likely a fake. The leather on the handles and flap of an authentic Longchamp always has a diamond pattern. Leatherworker Mallika Sharma says that real leather has a natural animal hide smell that faux leather doesn’t have. Real leather has a rugged base and imperfect grain patterns, while fake leather seems more perfect and synthetic.
Stitching On real Longchamp bags, the stitching is always consistent. On fake Longchamp bags, the stitching is often thin, long and inconsistent. Take a good look at the stitching at the end of the flap. A good way to tell if your Longchamp bag is authentic is by looking for three thicker stitches at the end of the stitch line. If they aren’t there, or the stitching throughout your bag is flimsy, you might have a fake on your hands. The stitching on the inside flap is typically dark brown.
Zipper Check the zipper pull of the Longchamp Bag. It should be a hollow circle with a horseback rider in the center. Check for ‘YKK’ lettering on the zipper pull connector, as inauthentic models often lack it. Check for misspelled information on the zipper pull, too. On a fake, ‘Longchamp’ may be spelled wrong. The metal may also be painted on fakes, while real zipper pulls are always nice, solid metal. The zippers only come in two colors: gold & charcoal grey.
Branding Another telltale way to determine a real vs fake Longchamp bag is by looking at the logo above the button. On authentic models, the emblem is always embossed and raised and the specific details are clearly defined. On fakes, the emblem typically isn’t as embossed and may not be as detailed, especially around the hooves. Real models will also have ‘Longchamp’ branding on the back of your flap that says ‘Le Fliage Type “M”’ with the model type next to it. The horseback jockey is always seen in mid-stride on real Longchamp bags.
Made In Tag Check the ‘Made In’ tag inside of the bag. Authentic Longchamp tags are smooth and opaque. It will often say ‘Made In China’ on authentic models, too. Unless your bag is a special model, it typically isn’t made in France. There will always be a serial number and an identification number on the tag of real Longchamp bags, so make sure to check that they’re valid. The identification number is towards the bottom of the tag and is indicative of the bag’s details. The first four digits determine the style, the next three determine the model, and the last three represent the color. Look up the numbers on the tag to determine whether they correlate with your bag’s design.
Where are Longchamp bags made?
Longchamp bags are made in China, Tunisia, and other Eastern countries. Special edition or limited edition bags may be made in France, but they are typically made in countries like China, Tunisia and Romania. The Longchamp website says that their bags are produced in Western France, with six production sites across the Mayenne, Vendée, Orne and Maine-et Loire regions.
Where to Buy Real Longchamp
Buy your Longchamp bags from Longchamp and other reputable retailers. To avoid the risk of buying a fake Longchamp bag, purchase your products from the Longchamp store or website. You can also buy a Longchamp bag from reputable retailers, like Nordstrom. You may be able to find an authentic Longchamp bag at thrift stores or on websites like eBay, but the chances of coming across a fake are higher. Longchamp bag prices tend to fluctuate by country. If you’re traveling and looking to buy a Longchamp bag, compare the prices by country to find the best deal. To avoid getting scammed on eBay, Portuguese Langauge Teacher Israel Vieira Pereira says to check the seller’s details to see if their reviews are positive. Avoid negotiating with a seller outside of the eBay platform.
Different Types of Longchamp Bags
Toiletry Pouch The toiletry pouch is one of the smallest bags in Longchamp’s collection. It’s compact, but it can hold a good amount of materials. It is typically priced around $100, but there are more expensive options that come with a strap. The toiletry pouch is great for holding makeup, hand sanitizer, and other everyday essentials.
Medium Tote Longchamp’s medium tote is great for traveling, especially light day trips, as it can hold larger items like water bottles, cameras and umbrellas. It also helps keep your items dry in the case of rain. It can also be folded into a smaller size if you’re packing light. It is typically priced around $140.
Large Tote Longchamp’s large tote is also great for traveling, as it can hold larger items than the medium tote. It can fit your laptop, water bottle and other essentials. The large tote can also double as a work bag due to its durability and capacity. It is typically priced around $155.
Travel Bag The travel bags are high-capacity foldable bags. The small size can hold up to 30 liters (7.93 gallons), while the medium size can hold up to 42 liters (11.095 gallons). You can bring it as a personal item on an airplane, as it fits underneath the seat. It’s great for when you need extra storage on a trip, whether your bag is overweight or you want to split up your items to save room. It is typically priced around $
Expandable Travel Bag While the expandable travel bag isn’t as compact as the standard travel bag, it makes up for it with its capacity. The expandable travel bag can hold up to 50 liters (13.21 gallons). It’s a great option for when you’re taking an extended trip and need to bring a lot of items. The expandable travel bag is typically priced around $275. If you choose to expand your expandable travel bag for a flight, it will be classified as your carry-on bag unless you’re able to comfortably fit it under your seat.
Why are Longchamp bags so popular?
Longchamp bags are popular thanks to their versatility and various celebrity endorsements. The Princess of Wales has been s long-time Longchamp bag wearer. Aside from her, the bag has been sported by celebrities like India Amarteifio from Bridgerton and Natalia Dyer from Stranger Things, making it a popular choice among fans, especially members of Gen Z. Longchamp bags are also a popular choice among members of Gen Z because they can be used as work bags, travel bags, and casual fashion accessories.
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