Woman Claims Boss Came To Pick Her Up For Work After She Called In Sick
Woman Claims Boss Came To Pick Her Up For Work After She Called In Sick
Many people told the TikToker that her boss’ actions could be considered trespassing because he was not invited to her house.

Imagine calling in sick to work and sleeping in your room to recover from the sickness, only to wake up and see your boss inside the room. To most of us, this seems like an impossible scenario. However, a woman shared that this actually happened to her. In a viral TikTok video, a content creator named Mish explained how her former boss came inside her room to give her a ride to the restaurant so that she could work. Mish first shared a small clip in which the text overlay read, “When I called out of work and was sleeping peacefully but I woke up minutes later to my boss standing at the foot of my bed saying that he came to pick me up.”

According to Ladbible, this prompted many TikTok users to urge her to disclose more about this incident. In a follow-up video, Mish explained that at the time she used to work at a restaurant that was just 15 minutes away from her residence that she shared with a roommate. One day she woke up feeling very sick and called the restaurant to inform them that she wouldn’t be able to come to work. After that, she fell asleep. During the day, her flatmate went outside and kept the door unlocked.

At some point, her boss came to Mish’s house and claimed that he knocked on the door but no one responded. When he checked the door, he found that it was unlocked. He entered the flat and got inside Mish’s room and woke her up. Recalling this moment, Mish said, “He’s standing at the foot of my bed, kind of waving at me like ‘Hey, hey, I know that you called out, but maybe you just don’t wanna drive and I’ll drive you in and then you could still work.”

Mish added that at first, she thought she was hallucinating but soon realised that her boss was indeed in her room. She denied his offer of driving her to work and asked him to leave. He left but Mish was still rattled by the incident. She said that she was fired from her job at the restaurant a few weeks later as she was falsely accused of egging the restaurant.

Many people told the TikToker that her boss’ actions would be considered trespassing because he was not invited to her house.

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