This 59-year-old South African Woman Has 1,000 Porcelain Dolls In Her Garden Shed
This 59-year-old South African Woman Has 1,000 Porcelain Dolls In Her Garden Shed
The woman had a family friend named Michael Tolmay who presented her with a porcelain doll named Rose for her birthday.

A mother of four from Vereeniging in South Africa has an interesting passion for porcelain dolls and boasts of a collection of 1,000 of them. The 59-year-old named Lynn Emdin keeps her dolls in a big and spacious garden shed. Most of these porcelain dolls were collected by her through second-hand websites. They arrived in a dilapidated condition but were restored by Lynn and kept in the best of conditions. From making custom-made clothes for these dolls to spraying them with perfume, Lynn looks over them and cares for them like her own kin.

Although the tale may sound cute or heartwarming, this unconventional hobby began with a tragedy that befell her 20 years ago. Lynn had a family friend named Michael Tolmay who presented her with a porcelain doll named Rose for her birthday. However, just two months later, Michael tragically passed away in a bike accident. Lynn said that Michael was the best of friends with her kids and the loss was devastating. She also said that she was reminded of Michael every time she looked at Rose.

From then on, her love for porcelain dolls grew and she collected them wherever she could. A Mirror report quoted her as saying that sometimes she is inclined towards believing that she also collects the dolls since she never had any daughters. Lynn has four sons aged between 27 and 40 and she laughed at the fact that her children find her obsession with dolls weird and sometimes annoying. However, she acknowledged that her 63-year-old husband Rick is very supportive of her passion. He even drives her to the places where she picks up her dolls.

She added that she is heartbroken to see the neglected condition some of these dolls are in and is glad to buy them off to give them a makeover. The couple doesn’t know how much they have spent on the collection, but they say restored porcelain dolls don’t amount to a huge sum unless they are very rare.

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