What is a “wanker”?
“Wanker” is a British insult for a man that’s annoying, unintelligent, or a jerk. In the literal sense, “wanker” is a vulgar term for a man who masturbates a lot, which explains why it’s primarily applied to men (“wank” is another word for “masturbate”). Nowadays, “wanker” mostly just refers to a guy you dislike, disagree with, or are upset with. “I can’t believe you left her birthday gift at home, you wanker!” “Hey! Quit being a wanker and come help me finish this.” “Wanker” is equivalent to American insults like “jerk” or “jerk-off.” The subtle shift in meaning (from literal wanking to a broader insult) comes from how an obsession with masturbating (or a man’s own genitalia) is related to qualities like being self-absorbed or irritating. It’s like how you’d call someone a “d*ck” in America—you’re just using it as an insult and not really referencing the anatomy.
When to Call Someone a “Wanker”
When someone is being bothersome, arrogant, or plain unlikable Most often, “wanker” is used as an insult when someone’s being a jerk or doing something irritating. Call them a “wanker” when they’re rude or full of themselves, putting down others, or doing other tasteless things: “We get it, you make a lot of money! Don’t be a wanker about it.” “Don’t you talk to my friend like that, wanker!” Tip: We don’t recommend insulting someone just so you can try out some new slang. Instead, try ignoring or calmly setting boundaries with someone who’s being obnoxious. Sometimes, though, you just need a good curse word, and “wanker” has your back.
When someone does or says something unintelligent People also get called a “wanker” if they’re being absent-minded, thoughtless, or totally missing the point of what’s going on or of what someone said. Use “wanker” in any of these facepalm kind of moments. For example: “Johnny forgot your birthday!? What a wanker!” “Remember to close the fridge next time, wanker!”
When someone is sex- or masturbation-obsessed Call back to the original meaning of “wanker” and use it whenever someone can’t get their head out of the gutter. Maybe they’re constantly plotting their next hookup, talking about sex, or making dirty innuendos—a quick jab should quiet them up for a bit! “Quit staring at Jessica, you’re being such a wanker.” You: “I’ll have a footlong, thank you.”Them: “That’s what she said!”You: “Oh shut up, wanker.”
How offensive is “wanker”?
“Wanker” is pretty offensive in the UK, but less vulgar in other countries. In Britain, being called a “wanker” is not a good thing. It’s typically said with an angry bite and most people react negatively to it (of course, like any insult, it can be used more casually or maybe even affectionately around close friends if everyone’s on board). In other “wanker”-using countries like Australia or New Zealand, it’s considered a more mild insult (but still not appropriate for the dinner table or the office, though). In the US and Canada, “wanker” is hardly offensive at all because it’s used so rarely. To many, the word sounds funny or lighthearted. Tip: Use the more mild British insult “tosser” if you’re worried about crossing the line. It means the exact same thing as “wanker,” but is considered slightly more acceptable.
The “Wanker” Hand Gesture
The “wanker” gesture looks like a loose fist and is considered obscene. Giving the “wanker” gesture in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand is like giving the middle finger in the US. To make it, touch your right thumb over your right index finger and gently curl your other fingers into your palm (resembling a loose fist that a guy might use to…you know). For emphasis, move your fist up and down or side to side to “mime” some wanking. Use the hand gesture to call someone “wanker” from far away, or use it up close to make your insult feel more intense. No one knows for sure where the gesture came from, but former British Prime Minister David Cameron used it on several occasions and may be one of the first people to use it so visibly.
Which countries say “wanker”?
“Wanker” is common in English-speaking countries outside North America. “Wanker” originated in the UK in the 1950s from the verb “wank.” It spread fast to other English-speaking countries heavily influenced by Britain like Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and even South Africa. Most of these are Commonwealth nations, or countries and territories that were formerly part of the British Empire. Most Americans and Canadians recognize the word “wanker” and what it means, but it is very rarely used in those countries.
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