- Go to https://skribbl.io to play the game!
- You can enter a name and edit your character on the homepage.
- Press Play! to join a random game room.
- Press Create Private Room if you want to play with friends.
Getting Started
Go to https://skribbl.io to get started. This is the official website for the game.
Pick a name. Be careful when picking a name; don't use your full name or any personal details you don't want to be public. Note that the game is multiplayer and public. If you don't type in a name, the site will generate a random one for you, like "Happy Meal" or "Bus Driver". Your name can only be a certain amount of characters long, so avoid making it too long. Check out our guide on choosing a safe screen name for more info.
Select a language to play the game in. Most users will speak that language and all the game words will be in that language.
Choose how your character will look. There are three aspects you can vary — eyes, mouth, and color. Click the arrows to go through the options. The top arrows are for eyes, the middle arrows for mouths, and the bottom arrows for color. If you want a random look, click the randomize button to the right of the character editor.
Press Play!. Press this when you’re ready to start playing. This will start a game with random players immediately. Alternatively, if you’re going to play with friends, click Create Private Room. See the Private Room method below for more info.
How to Play
Wait for someone to start drawing. One person will draw at a time, with each player getting a turn to draw. If it’s your turn to draw, skip to the drawing step below. At the top of the page, there are dashes indicating how many letters are in the word, and what letters you’ve guessed correctly. Use the green thumbs up and red thumbs down buttons to indicate your opinion on the drawing.
Guess the word using the drawing and the dashes/letters. Type your guesses into the text box in the bottom right labeled “Type your guess here.” You have an unlimited amount of guesses, so if you get it wrong you can guess again. Correctly guessing the word will give you points! Letters will replace the dashes as you guess words containing letters in the hidden word. If somebody guesses the word, it will say "PLAYER has guessed the word". That person's messages won't appear to players who haven't guessed the word yet for that round. Guesses won't register as correct if you type a group of words or misspell the word (it might say that you’re close).
Pick a word when it’s your turn. You can choose from three randomly generated words to draw.
Draw your word. Illustrate the image as clearly as you can. You have a variety of colors and tools to use to make your drawing better. If you are not satisfied with your image you can press the trash button to clear the page and start over.
Creating a Private Room
Click Create Private Room. This is located on the homepage below the Play! button.
Change the game settings. You can edit the number of players, drawing time, rounds, and more!
Send the invite link to your friends. Copy the link below “Invite your friends!” and send it to the friends you want to play with. You might want to also start a video call so you can chat with everyone while you’re playing. Check out our guides on FaceTime and Skype, and Zoom for more info.
Press Start!. When everyone is ready, press the Start! button to begin the game.
Interacting in the Game
Don’t share personal information. Be careful about what you share in the chat, as you don't know who else is playing. Don't share info like your name, email address, date of birth, phone number, or location. See our guide about being safe on the internet for more information.
Be competitive but keep it fun. Be polite when interacting with other players. Don't send rude or insulting comments. If you don't like their drawing, you can press the red thumbs-down button.
Use the Votekick feature when necessary. You can Votekick the user currently drawing if they are misbehaving or making you uncomfortable. The Votekick button is behind each player's name on the left. After a certain number of people Votekick someone, they will be removed from the game.
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