The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the Combined Geo-Scientist main exam 2024 result. The candidates who appeared for the test can check their results at upsc.gov.in. The exam was held on June 22 and 23. Those who have cleared the mains exam will next be called by the commission for Interview/Personality Test.
“The candidature of these candidates is PROVISIONAL subject to their being found eligible in all respects. The candidates would be required to produce the original certificates in support of their claim relating to age, educational qualifications, community, physical disability, EWS etc. at the time of the Personality Test. They are, therefore, advised to keep the said certificates ready,” reads the official notice by UPSC.
Step 1: Go to the official website, upsconline.nic.in
Step 2: On the homepage look for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist (Mains) Examination Result, 2024 link
Step 3: Click on the PDF link
Step 4: The result notification along with the roll numbers of the qualified candidates will appear on the screen
Step 5: Candidates can take a hard copy print out of the PDF file for future reference.
The candidates who have been declared successful in the mains exam have to fill up the Detailed Application Form. Candidates will be called for the interview, the schedule of which will be published in due course of time on the commission’s website. The exact date of the interview will be intimated to the candidates via e-mail.
“The instructions for filling up DAF available on the website along with the Rules of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination-2024 must be read carefully with regard to the original certificates that are to be produced at the time of Interview. The candidate will be solely responsible for not producing sufficient valid proof in support of his/her age, date of birth, educational qualifications, caste (SC/ST/OBC), EWS and physically disability status. The qualified candidates must bring all the original certificates during the Interview/Personality Test for verification,” the notice added.
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