Aliens Might Not Be Green But Purple: Study
Aliens Might Not Be Green But Purple: Study
Scientists at Cornell University assume that aliens would be residing on a planet like Earth which would not be green like our planet.

For centuries now, the topic of aliens has always grabbed a lot of attention. Different research has revealed different facts about aliens. There have been various speculations about how aliens would look like and what their colour would be. Interestingly, researchers have shared for the first time that if aliens existed somewhere, what would they look like? Their claims might leave you shocked.

Earth, as we know, has the perfect conditions that help support life on it. Generally, the colour green is associated with life, where organisms evolve and photosynthesis takes place. Now, as per research by scientists at Cornell University, aliens might be purple, but not green. They assume that the aliens might be residing on a planet like Earth, but they would not be as green as our planet. It might be completely different; hence, aliens might also be of different colours.

They believe that aliens might be purple as they would be covered in bacteria. They also assume that their planet might have little to no visible light. The scientist believes that aliens might be using invisible radiation for photosynthesis. Many bacteria on Earth are purple and are visible in space.

As per Dr Ligia Fonseca Coelho, head of the research team and professor at Carl Sagan Institute (CSI)- Cornell University, purple bacteria can grow in many types of conditions and can even survive adverse conditions. They are also looking for colours that would exist on other planets. They further believe that purple is the primary colour and has a range of colours including yellow, orange, brown and red due to pigments associated with making tomatoes red and carrots orange.

The researchers found that purple-coloured bacteria can survive by photosynthesis even in low light compared to plants. These bacteria use many forms of chlorophyll which helps convert light from the sun into food. This reaction results in not producing oxygen, which means the bacteria are not dependent on oxygen components. Lisa Kaltenegger, director of the Carl Sagan Institute, in the Space Sciences Building, said, “Purple bacteria can survive and thrive under such a variety of conditions that it is easy to imagine that on many different worlds, purple may just be the new green.”

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