As the trio embarks upon an epic cross-country journey, the scientist must teach his creation to become "human" enough to take care of its charge and the beloved pet to accept a new master.
Los Angeles: Actor Tom Hanks starrer sci-fi movie Bios will be releasing on October 2, 2020.
Hanks stars as the last man on Earth who builds a robot to keep his beloved dog safe, reports variety.com.
As the trio embarks upon an epic cross-country journey, the scientist must teach his creation to become "human" enough to take care of its charge and the beloved pet to accept a new master.
"Bios" is directed by Miguel Sapochnik from a script by Craig Luck and Ivor Powell.
Hanks was last seen on screen in "The Post", a historical political thriller film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. It also stars Meryl Streep.
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