James Gunn Has An Update On DC's Green Lantern Show
James Gunn Has An Update On DC's Green Lantern Show
The version of the show that Jeremy Irvine and Finn Wittrock were supposed to star in is "no longer happening."

James Gunn, co-CEO of DC Studios alongside Peter Safran, commented on the original Green Lantern TV show that was being developed before the formation of DC Studios. Gunn recently clarified in a response to the query of a DC fan on Threads, that the Green Lantern show in question is not the one being developed for the DCU. The version of the show that Jeremy Irvine and Finn Wittrock were supposed to star in is no longer happening, he stated.

According to Gunn, the reason the show was unable to continue was less about any ill intentions against the creatives working on the project and more about the commercial practices of Hollywood.

“I didn’t think it was in the DCEU, but it was before my time. That said, I think Finn’s a talented (sic) guy and he’ll be okay! Writers, directors, and actors have projects that fall through every day.” He continued by saying that they had all experienced it several times and that it wasn’t “done dirty”—rather, it was a necessary part of the work.

The new Lanterns will centre on the two most well-liked Green Lanterns, John Stewart and Hal Jordan, instead of the previous iteration, which was intended to highlight fan favourites Guy Gardner and Alan Scott.

Upon the announcement of the series, James Gunn informed ComicBook.com that the next project was a large-scale HBO television series named Lanterns, which portrayed the tale of two Green Lanterns, Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan.

He continued by saying that while there are a few other lanterns scattered throughout, this is a terrestrial TV show that is a lot like True Detective. In it, a few Green Lanterns serve as space police officers keeping an eye on Precinct Earth, and they uncover a terrifying mystery that is connected to the DCU’s main plot.

Guy Gardner (Nathan Fillion), who will appear in the Superman movie in 2025, will undoubtedly be one of the other lanterns that get “peppered in there”.

The original Green Lantern series would take place across several decades, with Jeremy Irvine and Wittrock playing characters such as Alan Scott in the 1940s and Guy Gardner in the 1970s.

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