How To
How Does a Toilet Work? A Step-by-Step Breakdown
You use your toilet every day, but have you ever stopped and wondered how it actually works? Toilets are pretty simple plumbing fixtures that only use a few mechanical pieces to function. Knowing how your toilet works makes it a lot easier to troubleshoot...
Green Circle Around Instagram Story? Here's What It Means
Are you curious about the green ring around your friend's profile picture on Instagram? If you're seeing a green circle on a person's Stories and Reels, this means you're on that person's Close Friends list. This is an exclusive list created by users to h...
3 Simple Steps to Equip and Throw Grenades in Fallout 4
In Fallout 4, you can find and throw a variety of grenades and Molotovs to fight back against danger. This can be done with a keyboard or a controller; you'll just need to equip the grenade in your Pip-Boy first. Then, you can use your melee button to aim...
How to Use and Reply to “Thank You Though”
You’re chatting with a friend, and they say, “Thanks, though!” What does that even mean? Are they saying “thanks” or “no thanks”? The English language can be confusing, and we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll fill you in on everything you need to k...
How to Tell the Difference between an INTJ and an INTP
INTJs and INTPs are two of the 16 types of Myers-Briggs personalities, both known for their love of logic and rationality. Generally, INTJs are more externally-focused—they believe that there’s a “right” way to do things and tend to be more confrontationa...
Everything You Need to Know About the Page of Pentacles Tarot Card
If you pull the Page of Pentacles during a tarot reading, it’s time to buckle down and chase your goals. This card encourages you to work hard and take practical steps toward your dreams! We’ve compiled a complete guide to interpreting the Page of Pentacl...
How to Write Coverage for a Script (Plus the Best Services for Writers)
If you’re wondering if a screenplay is ready to be made into a movie, getting script coverage is one of the first steps in the development process. Coverage provides studios with a brief summary of a script and analyzes what works on the page and what doe...
How to Perform a Fertility Spell: Rituals and Magical Items to Help You Conceive
If you’ve been having trouble in your quest to build a family, casting a fertility spell might be just what you need. Spellcraft has long been thought to help people receive the gifts they want from the world, such as money, love, and even babies. Spells...
Updating Discord on Android, iPhone, PC, & Mac
Are you not sure if your Discord is up to date? Updating Discord is the best way to squash bugs and glitches that frequent out-of-date programs. While Discord is usually set to update automatically, updating the app manually is easy on your PC, Mac, Andro...
Talk & Chat in Discord on Your PS4, No Computer Necessary
Did you know that even though the Discord app only works for PS5 that there are workarounds to get Discord working for your PS4? These workarounds aren't as easy as opening the app on PS5, but, with a little work, you can chat on Discord while playing gam...
The Best Way to Apply Builder Gel to Your Nails
If you want to make your nails look strong and healthy, builder gel is the perfect way to give them a smooth, stunning look for any occasion. Builder gel hardens more than regular gel polishes, so it protects your nails even better while giving them an at...
How to Turn Goods & Services Off and On on Venmo
The Goods & Services option on Venmo can be helpful when making a purchase, as it ensures your purchase is covered by Venmo. However, Venmo charges the recipient 1.90% of the transaction amount +$0.10 in exchange for coverage under the Venmo Purchase Prot...
7 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Feeling Like Yourself
Not feeling like yourself is a sentiment almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Sometimes the feeling is fleeting; other times, it can last for days, or even months. It can make everyday life feel like a dreamworld you’re moving through...
Breaking Love Spells: 4 Recipes for Any Magic Level
Casting love spells is common in most magical traditions, but what about breakup spells? Sometimes you want a relationship to end—maybe it’s your own relationship that has turned toxic, or maybe you're in a love triangle and want to split up the other two...
25 Bits of Powerful Relationship Advice for Women
There’s a lot to consider when dipping into the world of dating, and especially when the time comes to settle down with your forever person. But there are as many different kinds of relationships as there are people, and relationship advice is a dime a do...
How to Change Your Discord Nickname: Tips for Desktop, iPhone, and Android
While Discord lets you pick your own username, sometimes you want to change only your display name in a server. This is possible by changing your Discord server nickname, which allows you to make your display name anything you want it to be (within 32 cha...