How To
How to Wink
The wink can be a way of communicating many different ideas or feelings without the use of words. It is thought to come from an ancient Norse myth about the god Odin, who traded one of his eyes for the opportunity to drink from a well that would give him...
2 Simple Ways to Sign Up for a Pinterest Account
Pinterest works as a visual discovery engine to bring people ideas and inspiration. Users can create Pinterest boards to group ideas together, share photos, connect with others, and more. You can easily create an account for free as long as you have a val...
How to Dry Chives
Drying chives is a great way to capture their fresh flavor to use in your cooking all year long. Often used like an herb, chives are the smallest species of the edible onions and add a mellow onion and grassy flavor to food, especially potato, egg and fis...
How to Memorize Lists
Have you ever had to remember a long list? Whether it was a list of elements, a sequence of numbers, or a grocery list, remembering a long list can be tricky if you don’t have an efficient way to recall the items from memory when you need to. There are a...
How to Take Care of a Mother Cat Before and After Having Kittens
If your cat is having kittens, it can be exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time! Any birth carries some risk, so you do want to keep an eye on her and provide for her needs as she gets ready to have her kittens. While she'll do most of the work...
How to Draw a Realistic Portrait from a Photograph
Drawing from life is difficult, often requiring extreme patience and practice, but it's still very possible to create a beautiful portrait overtime. With the right techniques, tools, and observational skills, you can learn to draw a masterpiece!
How to Impress Your Boss
Whether you’re starting a new job or just looking to make an impact at your current job, you definitely want to get on your boss’s good side. Your first step is to make sure you are going out of your way to be great at your job. You can then work on devel...
How to Build a City in Minecraft
Minecraft creations on the Creative Mode have always fascinated us. The internet is full of wonders created in this game, and even you would have tried creating one, thinking, "I'll make it big this time!". But somehow, you end up with a mud house. Here a...
How to Turn Your Furby Evil
Everyone knows that Furbies can be lovable, funny, and cute. Unlike the original Furbies, Furby 2012 and Furby Boom have several, distinct personalities. How you get these personalities depends on how you treat your Furby. The Evil personalities are very...
How to Apply Pencil Eyeliner
An old proverb holds that eyes are the windows to a person's soul. One of the ways to enhance your eyes is by applying eyeliner, a cosmetic that originated in Egypt in the 15th century and has since been used all over the world. Eyeliner comes in many for...
How to Dress and Undress Easily in Clothes with Back Zippers and Buttons
Many articles of clothing for women and girls of all ages have zippers, buttons, or other closures in the back. This can make it difficult or time-consuming to don or remove the garment without assistance. For this reason, you may be inclined to wear such...
How to Properly Hold a Pistol Handgun for Speed and Accuracy
Learning the right way to grip a pistol will improve your aim and keep you safer on the shooting range. A two-handed grip is recommended under most circumstances, but there are occasions when it helps to know how to grip the gun with one hand. You should...
How to Do a Dips Workout
Dips are a type of strength training exercise that require you to lift your body weight with your triceps, deltoids, pecs, and rhomboid muscles. One type you can do is a bench dip, where you support your body weight from behind. For a tricep dip, use para...
How to Clean a Mac Keyboard
It is important to regularly clean and disinfect your keyboard. This wikiHow guide will help you take special caution when cleaning your Mac keyboard to avoid causing any damage.
How to Play Flappy Bird
The iPhone and Android game, Flappy Bird, creates a modern combination of Mario Bros. and Angry Birds into one. All one has to do is fly a bird between pipes of different heights. Sounds easy? That's the challenge of the game.
How to Relieve an Itchy Throat Without Medicine
There are several causes for itchy throat. Non-infectious causes include allergic rhinitis, postnasal drip, mouth breathing, smoking, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) as well as exposure to allergens and pollution. You may also develop an itchy throat caus...