LMS Meaning in Texts
LMS stands for “Let me see” in texts. If your friend is messaging you about their new haircut or a meal they made, text them “LMS” to ask to see it. This slang term lets your friend know that you want more information about what they’re doing, whether they send you a picture or video chat with you. “You got your haircut today, right? LMS! I bet it looks so cute! ????” “LMS your new place! I’m so excited that you’re moving closer to me! ????” Depending on the context, “Let me see” can mean you need to check on something or you’re still waiting on information. For example: Them: “Do you have an extra water bottle that I can borrow? ????” You: “LMS when I’m home. I’m out right now. ????”
LMS Meaning on Social Media
Online, LMS stands for “Like my status” (especially on Facebook). In your Snapchat story, Instagram post, or Facebook status, “LMS” means “Like my status.” This is a way to get your friends and followers to like and comment on your post, which helps boost your engagement so more people see it. “LMS if you’re also excited for summer! ☀️????” “LMS if you need extra tickets to the game! I have some to give away! ????” It’s more common to see “LMS” on Facebook, though you might see it on other social media apps.
“LMS for a TBH” means “Like my status for a ‘To be honest.’” On Facebook and Instagram, it’s a popular trend for people to caption their posts “LMS for a TBH.” When you like someone’s post with this caption, they comment back with what they honestly think about you. For instance, they might write something back like, “TBH, you have the coolest style!” or “TBH, we don’t talk much but I think you’re super nice.” While you might see “LMS for a TBH” on other social media apps, it’s most popular on Facebook.
Less Common Slang Meanings of LMS
“Let me stop” “Let me stop” is a slang phrase that means you need to stop yourself before you overdo something. It’s a funny way to poke fun at yourself for taking a joke or diss too far, or turning a conversation in a ridiculous direction. Them: “Nooo I burnt my mac n’ cheese in the microwave ????????” You: “Yum, I bet that mac was fire ???? It sounds like a blast ???? Sorry, LMS ????????” Them: “Mr. Johnson was late for class again ????” You: “But we get punished if we’re late. And attendance affects our grades. LMS, I’m getting mad now ????”
“Love myself” Texting “LMS” is another way to say that you love yourself, whether you use it sincerely or sarcastically. You might text your friends “LMS” to celebrate doing well on a test or to joke about embarrassing yourself in front of your crush. “I got a 100 on my exam! ???? I LMS! ????” “I finally got the courage to talk to Eduardo and spilled my drink all over him ???? I LMS so much sometimes ????♀️”
“Let’s meet soon” When you and your pal haven’t seen each other in a while, text them “LMS” to let them know you want to hang out. Or, send your crush “LMS” to flirt with them and tell them you’re interested! “I haven’t seen you in so long, LMS! Are you doing anything Saturday? ????” “LMS, okay? Maybe you can take me on a date ????????”
“Laughing myself silly” If your friends have you dying of laughter in the group chat, text them “LMS.” Or, send them “LMS” when you find a meme or video that’s super funny. “OMG you have to stop, I’m LMS! ???? You guys are too funny ????” “I can’t with this meme ???? I’m LMS! ????”
Non-Text Meanings of LMS
Learning management system A learning management system is an online platform where teachers and educators post content for their students. For instance, an LMS allows teachers to post presentations, class notes, discussion boards, reading materials, and grades. Some popular learning management systems include Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle.
Last man standing In the gaming community, LMS refers to a multiplayer gameplay mode called last man standing. In this mode, the person who defeats all of the other players and survives is declared the winner. Some multiplayer games, like Fortnite, have a last man standing gameplay mode, while it is the sole premise of other games, like Super Smash Bros. Last man standing is often called last team standing or last person standing.
Leiomyosarcoma Leiomyosarcoma, which is often abbreviated as LMS, is a type of cancer that forms in smooth muscles. It is a rare cancer that can affect the muscles in the intestines, stomach, bladder, blood vessels, or uterus.
Little man syndrome Little man syndrome is another name for the Napoleon complex. This refers to the idea that some people who feel insecure about their height overcompensate for it by acting attention-seeking or tough. If you feel a bit self-conscious about your height, feel more confident by thinking about all the cool things your height lets you do. Find role models who are your height, too. LMS is not a diagnosed mental health condition. Anyone can have LMS, regardless of gender.
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