What Does "Diaper Booty" Mean and How Do You Fix It?
What Does "Diaper Booty" Mean and How Do You Fix It?
Having "diaper butt" or "diaper booty" can cramp your style and make you feel embarrassed to walk around in public. There are a few different diaper butt causes, some you can avoid and others that can only be fixed through surgery. In this article, we'll explain exactly what diaper butt looks like, what can make it look like that, and how to address it. Plus, you'll learn whether (and how) you should tell someone else they have diaper butt.
What is a diaper booty?

What is diaper butt?

"Diaper butt" is an unflattering description of someone whose bottom looks saggy. A person with a diaper butt (also known as a diaper booty) looks like they're wearing a full diaper underneath their pants, shorts, or leggings. They may actually be wearing an adult-sized diaper or their saggy bottom could be caused by other reasons, like oversized clothing. It isn't polite to say about or directly to someone unless you're a close, well-meaning friend or family member. Even then, you'll want to take them aside and let them know in private, so they're not embarrassed in front of other people.

Diaper Butt Causes

Botched BBL A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a common cosmetic surgery where the surgeon takes fat from other parts of the body and injects it into the buttocks to make them look bigger and rounder. A BBL can look great to start, but if the person who got it gains or loses weight, the fat deposits can shift or sink and make that signature "diaper butt" effect. A bad or unlicensed surgeon can also do a poor job of choosing where to inject the fat and cause it to look more misshapen than before. In addition to fat deposits, some surgeons also put silicone-filled implants into the buttocks to change their shape and size even more dramatically. This is called a buttocks augmentation and sometimes goes hand-in-hand with a BBL.

Adult diaper You or someone you know will likely have a diaper butt if you wear adult diapers. Adults of all ages wear diapers for real medical reasons, such as incontinence (which is when you have trouble holding in your pee long enough to make it to the toilet) and diarrhea. Women who have just given birth to a baby also wear diapers while they heal from the delivery.

Saggy, oversized bottoms No matter what size clothes you wear or if you're a man or a woman, if you wear bigger pants, shorts, or leggings, there's a good chance you'll end up with diaper booty. The extra material can pool around your buttocks and make it look like it's full of something, the way a diaper looks when it's full.

How to Get Rid of Diaper Booty

Ensure your plastic surgeon is properly licensed to give BBLs. To save money, some people go to a foreign country or hire someone off the black market to do their BBL for cheaper than a real plastic surgeon. In some of these cases, women have been injected with liquid silicone, concrete, and even motor oil! Not only are these substances never supposed to enter the human body, but they're also sure to cause a sinking, saggy-looking diaper butt – not to mention health complications and even death!

Avoid getting a BBL and try living a healthier lifestyle instead. There are other ways to make your buttocks bigger and rounder, including exercising your glutes and eating a more balanced diet. You can also wear leggings or pants with pads inside the buttocks area. Finally, remember that enlarged and perfectly round, symmetrical buttocks are unrealistic body standards. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on unnecessary surgery, embrace your body and work on improving it in natural, healthy ways.

Wear disposable underwear instead of a diaper. Disposable underwear fits your body like regular cloth underwear and won't sag (as long as you get the right size). Change it every time you "use" it to prevent the waste from weighing it down and giving you an obvious diaper booty.

Shop for bottoms in your size or alter them to fit better. First, take clothing measurements for your waist, hips, in-seam, and leg length to find your ideal size in bottoms. Then, when you're shopping for bottoms and find a pair you like, try them on before you buy them. Notice if there's any extra fabric bunching or sagging around your buttocks. If so, go down a size. Alternatively, if they fit everywhere else (i.e., your legs and waist), alter them or hire a tailor to do it for you. If you plan on ordering bottoms online, keep the tags on them when they arrive and save the invoice so you can return them if they don't fit.

How to Fix a Bad BBL

Talk to a plastic surgeon about reversing your BBL. Sometimes a BBL can be reversed (at least partially) by taking out some of the excess fat the surgeon put in to do your BBL in the first place. For this to happen, the fat has to have been injected above the muscle layer. Any fat that was injected into your glutes can't be removed. If fat removal (called liposuction) won't work, your doctor may recommend a different procedure that will give you the look you want. Your doctor may also want to combine or replace liposuction with a butt lift or get rid of excess skin to prevent your buttocks from looking even saggier afterward.

Avoid getting a second BBL to correct the first one. Getting more fat inserted into your buttocks won't help your diaper butt; in fact, it's only likely to make it worse over time. Plus, you also run the risk of your buttocks looking unnaturally large and misshapen.

Should you tell someone they have diaper butt?

Tell someone they have diaper butt if you're close friends or family. Even if you have a close, personal relationship with them, though, think carefully about how they might react before letting them know. It's possible they already know they have diaper butt, in which case you would only make them feel worse by bringing it up. If you suspect they don't know what they look like from behind, pull them aside in private and kindly tell them about their wardrobe faux pas. If you're a stranger, an acquaintance, their co-worker, or their boss, avoid mentioning their diaper butt at all or you might cause them a lot of embarrassment. Just be polite and don't look at it!

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