Kolkata Metro: New Underwater Ride Draws 24 Lakh Riders In Just Two Months
Kolkata Metro: New Underwater Ride Draws 24 Lakh Riders In Just Two Months
The Green Line 2, including its underwater segment beneath the river Ganga, welcomed 24 lakh commuters.

Kolkata’s Metro, which now boasts an underwater stretch connecting Howrah to the state capital, has seen 24 lakh passengers hopping on board in the past two months, according to a statement from the Railway.

The commercial metro services kicked off on March 15, covering two crucial stretches: from Howrah Maidan to Esplanade on the Green Line 2, and from Kavi Subhash (New Garia) to Hemanta Mukhopadhyay (Ruby More) on the Orange Line.

The Green Line 2, which includes a segment beneath the river Ganga, witnessed the majority of commuters, contributing to a revenue of Rs 3.40 crore for the Metro. Howrah Metro station emerged as the busiest hub, hosting 11.67 lakh passengers in this period, according to The Financial Express.

Meanwhile, the Orange Line saw over 55 thousand passengers, generating Rs 11.64 lakh in revenue. This corridor includes the Howrah-Esplanade route, India’s pioneering transportation tunnel spanning 4.8 km, with a 1.2 km segment delving 30 meters beneath the Hooghly River.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Metro service between Howrah Maidan and Esplanade in Kolkata last year, in 2023.

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