Many people believe in reincarnation and rebirth. Many films have often tried to show the concept of reincarnation. But whether you believe it or not, there is a young man claiming that he was the architect of Titanic and has been reincarnated. His mother has claimed that her young child is terrified of water or taking a swim in it and has drawn about 50 pictures of Titanic and its inside.
Jamie claimed that he died on Titanic and has finally made peace with his past life. He has also claimed that he was the ship’s architect, Thomas Andrews, in the past life. His obsession with the luxurious yet fateful ship began at the age of five. He was terrified of the deep water and would completely panic and beg his parents to take him to the shallow part of the water.
Later, he started having night terrors where his parents used to hear him thrashing around and looking panicked.
Once, the parents left him with a babysitter and were surprised to find that he had watched the second half of James Cameron’s blockbuster hit. The very next day, the mother found that her little one had begun drawing and painting pictures of the ship. In a week, he had drawn about 50 pictures.
The mother further claimed that her son “knew the ship by heart” and stated that one cannot “learn that by watching the movie”. She added that her son was troubled by the fact that there were people in the boiler room who died first and behaved like it was his fault. He also began pointing out mistakes and crying about them. The mum researched and found that Jamie must have been Thomas Andrews, who designed several ships for the White Star Line. On the fateful night in 1912, the architect refused to get on the lifeboat and went down with his ship. The mother believed that upon reading about the architect, it fits with her son’s personality and obsession with the ship.
At a programme, Jamie’s mother shared that once her son screamed so loudly and sounded like a man instead of a young boy. However, ever since that day, he has stopped talking about Titanic.
Later, in an interview, Jamie claimed, “It was a horrible tragedy in history and I’m just very at peace with it knowing I died on the Titanic.”
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