Melbourne Face Severe Backlash After Charging Rs 83 For Reheating A Muffin
Melbourne Face Severe Backlash After Charging Rs 83 For Reheating A Muffin
The customer said he decided to order the muffin after a waitress asked him if he wanted a second coffee.

A cafe has come under fire after charging a customer $1 (Rs 83) to reheat a raspberry chocolate muffin. The customer at a Melbourne cafe was shocked to discover this and shared a photo of his receipt on Facebook. “A f***ing dollar to reheat my muffin? This kind of crap just makes you shake your head and wonder where this is all going,” he captioned the photo. The customer said he decided to order the muffin after a waitress asked him if he wanted a second coffee.

“I said yes, but also said I didn’t mind a muffin because it looked so delicious. With some friendly banter we agreed the white chocolate muffin was worth it. I was then asked if I wanted it warm. A cold Melbourne morning, why not?”, he wrote.

In total, the man’s bill came to $4.50 (Rs 375) for a long black and $8 (Rs 666) for a muffin with the surcharge. He claimed he was not informed of the $1 (Rs 83) surcharge.

“They just put it on the bill without saying,” he added. The man said he understood that expenses are “going up” amid the cost of living crisis, but customers should be informed of the additional costs.

“The food and service were great, but you should never forget how you leave people because it’s the last experience, or in this case, the last taste you leave in their mouth.”

The man’s Facebook post went viral, garnering over 870 comments and 1,000 reactions before it was deleted.

Many online users expressed shock at the surcharge and the price of the muffin itself.

“I can’t believe they charge $1 (Rs 83) to reheat a muffin,” one woman wrote.

“For $7, it must have been the best muffin ever – I would never pay more than $5 (Rs 416)”.

Others advised the man to contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, as they felt the allegations should have been made public. A spokesperson of the cafe claimed in an interview that the $1 (Rs 83) charge – which was listed on the receipt under the “heat standard” heading – was an “error.” “We do not charge for reheating our wonderful treats and never have,” he told the publication.

The spokesperson also reprimanded the customer for sharing the post on Facebook, suggesting he could have discussed the issue in person.

After the post was shared online, the cafe received a number of calls and messages, and the publication reports the owner also received death threats.

“Unfortunately, this matter has spiraled into a mountain of problems that could have easily been resolved without a lynch mob caused by the negligence of an influential keyboard warrior.

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