Man, 21, Parties For Four Days Without Realising There Is A Bullet Stuck In His Head
Man, 21, Parties For Four Days Without Realising There Is A Bullet Stuck In His Head
It wasn’t until four days later when the man's right arm began spasming and later became droopy that Facio sought medical assistance.

At times, we stumble, brush it off, and continue without a second thought. It’s only later when a seemingly random body part begins to ache that we realise we had actually sustained an injury. Now, imagine multiplying this scenario by a hundred—that’s precisely what unfolded for this 21-year-old individual. In a surreal turn of events during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, a Brazilian student Mateus Facio unwittingly partied for four days with a bullet lodged in his head. The incident, which took place on a beach in Cabo Frio, east of Rio de Janeiro, has left both medical professionals and the public astounded at Facio’s blissful ignorance of the life-threatening injury.

Facio, revelling with friends, initially dismissed the gunshot as a mere stone impact. Despite the bleeding, he continued to enjoy the festivities, completely oblivious to the danger that lurked within his skull. It wasn’t until four days later when his right arm began spasming and later became droopy, that Facio sought medical assistance.

“I thought it was a stone, a bad joke, that someone picked up and threw a rock,” said the Brazilian student, who is studying medicine. Speaking to Globo 1, he added, “If there was a noise, I could imagine what it could be. But I didn’t hear anything; it was completely normal.”

Neurosurgeon Flavio Falcometa, the medical professional who conducted the life-saving operation, disclosed the gravity of the situation to the Daily Mail. He explained that a portion of the bullet had penetrated Facio’s brain, resulting in compression and triggering involuntary movements in his arm. Falcometa emphasised that had the trajectory deviated even by a few millimeters, the consequences could have been considerably more severe.

Facio left medical professionals astonished as they anticipated a recovery period ranging from 20 to 30 days.

Following the incident, Mateus underwent a two-hour operation to extract the lodged bullet. His mother, Luciana, recalled the harrowing experience, noting that during the procedure, there were inherent risks such as “bleeding, leakage of cerebral fluid, meningitis, and even death.” as per NY Post.

As Facio shared his surreal experience on Brazilian TV show Jornal Nacional, local authorities initiated an investigation to trace the origins of the gunshot. The bullet, surgically removed from Facio’s head, has become a crucial piece of evidence as authorities work to identify the shooter responsible for the bizarre incident.

While Facio’s dream of becoming a doctor may have faced a perilous detour, his spirit and survival have granted him a second chance at life. His family, particularly his relieved mother, is grateful for his recovery and the opportunity to continue pursuing his dreams despite the unexpected and life-threatening twist during the New Year’s Eve celebrations.

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