How Dubai Is Preparing For Intense Rainfall
How Dubai Is Preparing For Intense Rainfall
A person shocked social media after he shared a video of the rapidly changing weather conditions in Dubai.

Earlier this month, Dubai faced severe flooding after receiving record breaking two years’ worth of rainfall in just 24 hours. The overflow led schools to shut, citizens were asked to stay safe and work from home was implemented. Meanwhile, another heavy rainfall is predicted this week and National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has already taken action, by implementing necessary precautions. Dubai officials cautioned residents about thunderstorms and lightning on May 1 and 2. Despite alerts, many underestimated the harsh weather conditions. An Instagram user shocked social media users after he captured the rapidly changing weather conditions and claimed he never felt scared. He shared that the skies were clear when he left home but the visibility became almost zero due to intense rainfall.

He wrote, “This is how fast the Storm reached from Zero to 254mm rainfall. Despite being advised to work remotely because of anticipated severe weather, I underestimated the intensity of the downpour, which set a 75 year record with 254 mm (10 inches) of rainfall in just 24 hours. This unprecedented event caught us all off guard. Despite being accustomed to rain and driving in wet conditions, the scale of this downpour surpassed our preparations. I documented the rapidly changing weather conditions on my commute to work, securely mounting my phone on the car’s dashboard.”

“Although the weather was clear when I left home, visibility deteriorated rapidly as the downpour intensified. Fortunately, everyone on the road exercised caution, using hazard lights and driving at a safe speed, a true display of teamwork. Although life resumed its normalcy within 48 hours, the community felt the deep impact of the downpour. I am thankful for the eventual efforts by the UAE and its leadership in aiding recovery and ensuring everyone’s safety,” the individual added.

Reacting to the post, a user wrote, “At least everyone slowed down and used their flashers.”

Another shared, “To all the people who think they’re having it worse in their own country, the point is in Dubai people never have faced this weather so they have zero experience of what they’re gonna deal with.”

An individual observed, “Visible is not zero. Camera is focused on the windshield. Agreed driving was very difficult that day.”

“That’s an average Tuesday in the UK about 10 months of the year. I can see everything I’d need to. No change of pace,” a comment read.

Another wrote, “That’s what happens when they manipulate Mother Nature.”

A person added, “I would’ve pulled over and stopped driving.”

One more shared, “Damn that’s scary.”

Since the user shared the video on Instagram, it has gone viral and garnered over 28 lakh views.

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