WATCH: 10-Year-Old Boy Jumps Into Pool To Save Mother Who Was Suffering A Seizure
WATCH: 10-Year-Old Boy Jumps Into Pool To Save Mother Who Was Suffering A Seizure
The video of the incident was captured by security cameras and was shared on Facebook by the mother Lori Keeny herself.

In a demonstration of great valour, a 10-year-old boy helped save the life of his mother who suffered a seizure in the swimming pool. The video of the incident was captured by security cameras and was shared on Facebook by the mother Lori Keeny herself. In the video, the boy, named Gavin, can be seen climbing up on the staircase next to the pool and then taking a dive into the water to help his suffering mother.

After diving into the pool, Gavin caught hold of his mother and pulled her towards the corner. Later, even a dog can be seen trying to get up on the ladder before Lori’s dad rushed in to her rescue.

Lori had posted the clip of the incident on August 6. Describing it as one of her worst nightmares coming to life, Lori said that she is only sharing a brief part of the whole video since she does not like people witnessing her seizures.

“For all my friends and family here, know this was very, very hard for me to watch as I’ve never seen myself nor have I seen Gavin in action," she wrote, while also warning that it might be rough for some people to watch the video.

She then emphasised the bravery shown by her son. “Look at my baby saving my life, literally saving my life," she wrote.

Lori explained that Gavin had just come out of the pool and was relaxing on the porch when he heard her. She further confirmed that she is okay and there was only a little amount of water that got into her body before her son saved her.

While she could not believe that something like this had actually happened and that she was typing about it, she could very well believe what she saw in Gavin whom she called ‘her little hero’. For Lori, it was unbelievable and heartbreaking that her son Gavin was faced with such a situation.

Lastly, she thanked God for Gavin, a wonderful little human, into her life and requested people to not judge her for being in the pool in the first place.

The comment section was filled with praises for Gavin.

“Gavin, you’re a true hero along with your pup, then grandpa comes and is hero #3. You may have been afraid but you jumped in to save Mom with all your heart. God Bless you all," said a Facebook user.

“Heroic young man you have there," another comment read.

The sharp presence of mind and non-hesitant bravery shown by the little boy Gavin is sure worthy of applauses.

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