How Flexible Hours Help You Strike Work-life Balance
How Flexible Hours Help You Strike Work-life Balance
A flexible-hours programme permits employees to work outside the standard company start and finish times.

Flexible working is not merely a passing trend; it signifies a shift in how organisation oversee their work and workforce. Prior to the pandemic, many entities were already investigating alternative operational methods to enhance work-life balance, engagement, and control for employees. The lockdown accelerated the adoption of new working patterns, and as restrictions ease, there’s contemplation about integrating these practices into long-term strategies.

Flexible working encompasses any work arrangement that deviates significantly from the conventional 9 AM to 5 PM office-based standard. This may involve tasks performed from home, flexible work hours, job sharing, or a combination of these approaches.

Flexible hours

A flexible-hours programme permits employees to work outside the standard company start and finish times. For instance, in an office with a typical 9 AM to 5 PM schedule, some individuals may opt for a shift like 11 AM to 7 PM This arrangement is especially beneficial for individuals with caregiving responsibilities during specific times of the day and for those collaborating with team members, vendors, or clients in various time zones.

Work from home

Working from home means employees conduct their work in their own residences. Research, utilizing data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that 5 million individuals in the existing U.S. workforce were already dedicating half or more of their work hours to remote work before the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown. A considerably higher proportion, around 43 per cent of the roughly 164 million U.S. workforce, engage in some form of remote work. The same study suggests a 173 per cent increase in the number of regular telecommuters since 2005.

Job Sharing

Job sharing involves two or more individuals dividing the responsibilities of a full-time job, each working part-time. Each person in the job-sharing arrangement must have access to identical systems and information, as well as the skills to independently fulfil the job requirements if needed. Effective communication and trust between the job sharers are essential for successful collaboration.

Compressed hours

A compressed hours schedule entails completing the standard weekly working hours in fewer days. For instance, an employee with a 40-hour weekly commitment might work four 10-hour days and have a fifth day off, as opposed to the traditional five eight-hour days.

Increase in productivity

Enhancing workplace flexibility boosts productivity as it allows employees to work during their most effective hours and minimizes distractions. Additionally, it contributes to cost savings by decreasing the requirement for extensive office spaces, lowering overhead expenses, and potentially improving retention rates, thereby reducing recruitment and training costs. This increased efficiency and potential revenue are advantageous for the overall financial performance of the organization.

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