WikiLeaks Cablegate: India and Baloch Liberation Army training camps on Afghan-Pak border
WikiLeaks Cablegate: India and Baloch Liberation Army training camps on Afghan-Pak border
India-related document from the leaked US embassy cables released by whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

Reference ID: 08ISLAMABAD3248

Created: 2008-10-13 09:09

Released: 2010-11-30 21:09

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Origin: Embassy Islamabad



DE RUEHIL #3248/01 2870943


O 130943Z OCT 08















E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/13/2018



Classified By: CDA Jerry Feierstein, for reasons 1.4 (b)(d)

¶1. (C) Summary. The October 8-9 closed joint session of

parliament convoked by President Zardari to address the

security situation has been widely praised as a good first

step in convincing Pakistan's elected leadership to take

ownership of the fight against extremism; this effort now

should be extended to reach the general public. Director

General of Military Operations LtGen Pasha's briefing to the

group consisted largely of graphic video and other footage

demonstrating what one parliamentarian called the inhumane

and anti-Islamic nature of the militants. Pasha reportedly

blamed India, Russia and the UAE for supporting Baloch and

Taliban militancy and defended Pakistani sovereignty against

incursions by U.S. forces, but reportedly he also spoke

positively about what he termed the U.S. use of drones,

noting the vast majority of those killed in drone attacks

were foreign fighters or Taliban.

¶2. (C) The joint session has been extended by another four

days, beginning October 13 when Information Minister Sherry

Rehman will present the GOP's strategy to fight extremism.

The session increasingly promises to be a lively debate with

the Interior, Defense, Finance and Foreign Affairs Ministers

lined up to answer parliamentarians' questions. NSA Durrani

shared with Charge October 10 a draft of that presentation

that follows classic counter-insurgency strategy. It does

say the GOP has not given the U.S. a green light to do

cross-border operations, but uses that as a launching pad to

attack the presence of foreign militants and their violations

of Pakistani sovereignty. It goes on to call on the tribes

to eject the foreigners and support the government and offers

them development assistance if they come around.

¶3. (C) Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Nawaz

Sharif attended the briefing but left it to his Opposition

Leader Chaudhry Nisar to criticize the government, mostly on

procedural terms so far, by demanding that the civilian

government explain their strategy and how it differs from

that of the former Musharraf government. End Summary.

¶4. (C) President Asif Zardari convoked a joint session of

parliament on October 8 to be briefed by the military on the

current security situation. This was the third time in

Pakistan's history that a joint session of parliament was

formed as a committee of the whole to hear outside testimony

(the first was in 1974 to discuss religious riots; the second

was in 1988 to debate whether to sign the Geneva peace accord

on Afghanistan). Chief of Army Staff General Kayani attended

but newly promoted LtGeneral Pasha delivered the military's

brief as Director General of Military Operations (Pasha moved

over to become Director of Inter-Services Intelligence on

October 10).

¶5. (C) Lending a sense of urgency to the proceedings, on

October 9, suicide bombers attacked an Anti-Terrorism Unit of

Islamabad Police injuring a dozen and set off a roadside bomb

in Dir, Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) killing 12. Also

on October 9, a bearded man in a burqa was arrested at

Islamabad airport on suspicion of terrorism; across Pakistan

there have been numerous hoax bomb threats since the

September 20 Marriott bombing. On October 10, over 60 (the

death toll is still rising) members of an anti-Taliban jirga

were killed in Orakzai, Federally Administered Tribal Areas

(FATA), and in Bajaur, FATA, the Taliban beheaded four elders

of the Charmang tribe. Also on October 10, the Taliban blew

up the house of another Awami National Party leader in Dir

and kidnapped a nazim (mayor) in Swat, NWFP. Earlier in the

week, explosions at several juice shops in Lahore were

blamed, not on the Taliban, but on conservative groups

reportedly seeking to discourage "immoral" behavior (the bars

were allegedly trysting places for unmarried couples). These

attacks followed the October 2 suicide bombing targeting

Awami National Party leader Asfundyar Wali Khan in Wali Bagh,

NWFP, and the October 7 attack on a Pakistan Muslim

League-Nawaz parliamentarian in Bhakkar, Punjab. Overall,

there have been 40 suicide bombings in Pakistan so far in


¶6. (C) The joint session was held "in camera" without press

but parliamentarians have been providing bits and pieces of

information about the briefing, which was followed by a

question and answer session. The original Q&A session,

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scheduled for 30 minutes, lasted over four hours. The

parliament then convened in joint session on October 9 to

continue questions; it agreed to meet for another four days

beginning October 13, when Information Minister Sherry Rehman

will brief the group on the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)

strategy to tackle terrorism.

¶7. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx that Pasha's

briefing consisted in large part of videos and photos of

Taliban and other terrorist organization activities that

demonstrated the militants were both inhumane and un-Islamic.

At several points, xxxxxxxxxxxx said female parliamentarians asked

the Army to stop showing disturbing footage, including a gory

beheading. Members were told that India has established nine

training camps along the Afghan border, where they are

training members of the Baloch Liberation Army. According to

xxxxxxxxxxxx Pasha also claimed that India and the UAE (reportedly

due to opposition to construction of the Gwadar port) were

funding and arming the Baloch. Pasha also claimed that the

Russian government was directly involved in

funding/training/supporting the insurgency.

¶8. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx said Pasha briefed members on what he termed

USG drone incursions and missile strikes. According to

xxxxxxxxxxxx , Pasha praised the U.S. for its support through these

methods and showed statistics to parliamentarians that

demonstrated the vast majority of those killed in these

attacks were either foreign fighters or Taliban. xxxxxxxxxxxx

believed that the military had made a good-faith effort to

portray USG activities as positive. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx

Pasha barely mentioned the threat from local Taliban leader,

Baitullah Mehsud.

¶9. (C) Other parliamentarians at a dinner hosted October 10

by Charge for SCA/PB Director Hartley, including Pakistan

People's Party (PPP) Senators Babar Awan and Enver Baig,

Pakistan Muslim League Assembly member Donya Aziz, Awami

National Party Senator Haji Muhammed Adeel, FATA

parliamentarians Shaukat Ullah and Munir Khan Orakzai and

Muttahdia Quami Movement (MQM) leader Farouq Sattar, were

less impressed by Pasha's brief. They all said the brief was

a good beginning, but characterized it as being largely

descriptive and adding little information they did not

already know. They noted that Pasha, unsurprisingly,

defended Pakistan's sovereignty against U.S. incursions.

They agreed that Pasha had defended Pakistan's relationship

with the U.S. but did not share details from the briefing

about foreign fighters killed in alleged U.S. drone attacks.

¶10. (C) Both the FATA parliamentarians and MQM said during

the Q&A session they pointed out that not all terrorists were

tribals and that the GOP needed to address growing extremism

in the Punjab. They noted that Punjabis increasingly are

moving to fight with militants in FATA and that there is

growing Talibanization of Karachi.

¶11. (C) Also attending the dinner was Pakistan Muslim

League-Nawaz (PML-N) Information Secretary Ahsan Iqbal.

Iqbal echoed comments made publicly by PML-N Opposition

Leader Chaudhry Nisar; both denigrated the briefing as being

merely descriptive and called for the civilian government to

explain its strategy to fight the militants. Nisar asked how

the GOP's strategy differed from that of the former Musharraf

government. Nisar told the press "It is noteworthy that no

suicide attack had taken place before the country became an

ally of the U.S. in the war on terror." PML-N leader Ishak

Dar told the press that it was imperative that a joint

session of parliament be apprised of all agreements executed

with the U.S. Interestingly, Nawaz Sharif, who attended the

joint session, did not comment on it publicly. Several

newspaper editorials criticized the PML-N leaders for jumping

the gun on their criticism before the session was complete.

¶12. (C) Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam leader Fazlur Rehman at a news

conference October 12 claimed his party had the vision to

lead the country of the present crisis. He blamed the entire

military leadership, not just former President Musharraf, and

demanded they explain the agreed-upon rules of engagement

with U.S./ISAF coalition forces in Afghanistan. He

reiterated his view that the U.S. presence in Afghanistan was

the root cause of Pakistan's problems in the tribal areas and

said foreign troops must leave Afghanistan for the sake of

Islamabad 00003248 003 of 003

peace in the region. He also said his party had serious

reservations about the ongoing military operations in Bajaur.

¶13. (C) The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) party and the Pukhtunkhwa

Milli Awami Party, both of which oppose use of force in the

tribal areas, boycotted the session. JI leader Qazi Hussain

has this week been leading a largely ignored "train march" to

protest GOP policies in the FATA.

¶14. (C) We expect Sherry Rehman will brief the now

established GOP strategy of: (1) political engagement, but

not with terrorists; (2) economic development; and (3) use of

force when necessary. National Security Advisor Durrani

provided Charge October 10 with a draft of the GOP's

presentation to the joint body, which follows classic

counter-insurgency strategy. It does say the GOP has not

given the U.S. a green light to do cross-border operations,

but uses that as a launching pad to attack the presence of

foreign militants and their violations of Pakistani

sovereignty. It goes on to call on the tribes to eject the

foreigners and support the government and offers them

development assistance if they come around.

¶15. (C) Comment: The long-promised joint session is a

welcome first step in bringing Pakistan's elected leadership

on board with the government's counter-terrorism strategy.

The session is being extended to accommodate a great deal of

pent-up opinion and emotion that has amassed over the past

few years when the leadership kept parliament in the dark on

security issues. The government understandably wants to keep

as much of that emotion contained in a closed-door session as

possible, and surprisingly little of the briefing content has

been leaked to the press. At some point, however, there

needs to be a public airing of views and concerns if the GOP

is going to increase public acknowledgment that this is

Pakistan's war.

¶16. (C) Comment cont'd: In other welcome developments, at

least one Pakistani group (perhaps bankrolled by the owner of

the bombed Marriott Hotel in Islamabad), Yeh Hum Naheen (Say

No to Terrorism) has been placing newspaper and TV ads in the

Urdu and English language press; the group's aim is to

collect the largest number of signatures ever on an

anti-terrorism petition. We understand the Information

Ministry is responsible for placing other anti-terrorism ads

in recent days. On October 11, Information Minister Malik

spoke at an anti-terrorism seminar organized in Lahore, again

as part of a long-promised outreach campaign by GOP ministers.


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