New Delhi: 'Gippi' is Sonam Nair's debut film as director. The film deals with the story of a teenage girl who is very confused about the issues related to adolescence. Sonam explains the thought process behind 'Gippi' and her characterisation in a candid conversation.
Q: From 'Guddi' to 'Gippi', the portrayal of teenagers has gone through a huge transformation.
A: I loved 'Guddi' but it was based on another theme. You see someone in your teenage thinking differently about them only to find out that the person is not like what you thought him to be. In 'Gippi', a range of things is happening, not only romantic but physical and emotional changes as well. It's not plot driven but more like reality driven.
Q: Sometimes, fun elements dilute down the seriousness of the theme.
A: While writing it, I didn't think 'Gippi' as a frivolous film. Just because it belongs to a certain age and has a lot of fun elements, it doesn't mean it lacks depth. The sense of insecurity can stay with you at any age. We are giving a message through this girl that 'don't feel that you're not good enough. Be yourself and love yourself.'
The situations have been treated in a funny way but they talk about serious things. It's a really serious thing when a girl goes through puberty and she doesn't know who to turn to. Right now, when we are grown ups, we think of those problems as stupid but they were very important then.
Q: Does 'Gippi' belong to the stream of self reflective films?
A: (Smiles) No, my parents are very happily married. The girl lives in a broken house with a single mother. I wanted to place Gippi in such a way where she is uncomfortable in every situation. Be it school or be it home. And, something beautiful happens despite all the diversities. It added an additional layer of discomfort for Gippi.
Basically, the film revolves around the daughter-mother relationship. The girl feels insecure because she is clumsy but after a point you realise that the mother is also not feeling good about herself after her husband left. First Gippi learns to love herself and then she teaches her mom the same thing.
See, the story is based on me in a way. My mother recently saw it and said that she is watching me and my brother on screen. Also, it's a nice thing for a first time director to have such a clear say in the proceedings.
Q: How much concerned are you about the box office success?
A: I don't know what will happen at the box office. I just made a film with heart and I want to make my next film also like this.####
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