UK wants US-style Constitution
UK wants US-style Constitution
British leaders want to overhaul the British Constitution by setting out plans for a US-style Bill of Rights.

London: British leaders want to overhaul the British Constitution by setting out plans for a US-style Bill of Rights.

Opposition leader David Cameron is expected to 'denounce' the existing Human Rights Act for ''hampering the fight against crime and terrorism'' and will ask for replacing it by an American-style Bill of Rights that would strike a balance between civil liberties and protecting public safety.

Under his plans, the Bill could only be amended by a joint vote of the Commons and Lords. The move, one of his first major policy announcements since becoming Tory leader, brought accusations from the Government.

Since the Human Rights Act incorporated the European Convention of Human Rights into British Law in 2000, it has provoked controversy, including claims that it entitles prisoners to receive pornography and help young arsonists escape expulsion from school.

The Government has also considered amending the Act to prevent suspects from sidestepping anti-terror legislation and has registered alarm over its interpretation by judges.

''The time had come to find a ''constructive way forward'', Cameron said.

In a speech in London on Monday, Cameron will announce to appoint a panel of lawyers and constitutional experts to examine the case for the Bill of Rights.

''A modern British Bill of Rights needs to define the core values which give us our identity as a free nation. It should spell out the fundamental duties and responsibilities of people living in this country both as citizens and foreign nationals,'' he added.

Cameron also said on Sunday that there should be an early general election if Blair steps down long before completing his third term.

''If there's a very early changeover and suddenly he's not running a full term, then people haven't got what they voted for and I think there'd be a very strong case for an early election,'' he said.

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