The state committee of the Ayurveda Medical Association of India (AMAI) has asked the authorities to withdraw from the move to begin a Siddha treatment centre in the Mother and Child Hospital.
The Mother and Child Hospital is being built by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science (CCRAS) on a 1.5-acre plot on the Ayurveda College campus at Poojappura in the city. The hospital is to be one with 35 rooms as per the assurance given to the State Government by the Central Council. The construction of the building is complete and the furnishing is being taken up.
The move to appoint doctors to this hospital is also in its final stage. It is at this juncture that the order to give half of the building for a Siddha Hospital was issued. This will negatively affect the research activities of the centre, argued the Ayurveda doctors.
This kind of move to do away with a potentially excellent Ayurveda research centre will be resisted at all costs, said AMAI in a statement issued here on Wednesday. The Association warned that if the controversial move was not withdrawn immediately, Ayurveda College teachers, Ayurveda doctors and Ayurveda students would resort to strong protest measures.
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