Making your mind at home
Making your mind at home
Letting your mind go crazy is never a way to use it wisely. The mind is a precious instrument that has no tangible physical presen..

Letting your mind go crazy is never a way to use it wisely. The mind is a precious instrument that has no tangible physical presence i.e. it cannot be felt by any of the sense organs. Nevertheless, you cannot ignore it. It follows you wherever you go, even to outer space. So forget the idea of quitting a job if you are unhappy, shifting a house because you don’t get along with the neighbours or going away from your country to another just because you don’t get what you want or quitting life when things don’t go well. Instead, try doing something simpler. Use your mind wisely and let it help you. If you have no other option but to live with someone all your life that you can’t even divorce or run away from – you better keep that person in good humour! This is no husband or wife that I talk about, but your own mind.One of the ways you can take care of the mind is by cutting out the mess and organizing things. If your mind is your home, all your thoughts are furniture and stuff that you have in it. Primarily you need to reduce your material belongings and create more space for yourself. In the mind too, reduce your thoughts. This is done by the cultivating the habit of sitting quietly for about 15 minutes to half an hour, being aware of the crowd that lives in your mind all the time. They are nothing but billions of thoughts that have no reason to be there. Just think if your little apartment were to have a 1000 people coming and going all the time and doing nothing useful!This takes a lot of hard work and practice. Before you get to sit down and watch the contents of your mind, you can begin with writing down all the thoughts you managed to find existing in you. Don’t judge those thoughts as good and bad. Simply write down and take a look. You can even open a word document on your laptop to jot down the thoughts as they come by. Be hard at this practice and do it consistently for 21 days. Pick out your most predominant desires – about money, family or love. Take up one topic as your 21-day project. Every day, make it a half-hour ceremony to write down all your thoughts on the subject, all that you said and did on the topic, what others told you on this topic, what you read in books, newspapers, magazines and the internet related to this topic. Enjoy writing it all in a neat handwriting or store it on your computer. You will soon begin writing the amazing changes that take place in that field of your life you focus your attention on.([email protected])

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