Little white lies are fair in online dating
Little white lies are fair in online dating
A survey shows that a quarter of singles believe it is acceptable to tell a little white lie while dating online.

Silicon Valley: Singles surfing the internet for relationships may need to be a little wary with a new poll showing that a quarter of them believe it is acceptable to tell a little white lie while dating online.

A recent survey of more than 600 singles by found that 24 per cent of respondents believe it is alright to lie while dating online while 30 per cent men believe that it was alright in telling lies while dating online, the corresponding figures for women were 19 per cent.

The world of Internet dating has exploded with an earlier PEW internet survey showing that some 31 per cent of American adults say they know someone who has used a dating website.

Fifteen per cent of American adults that is about 30 million people say they know someone who has been in a long-term relationship or married someone he or she met online.

According to the latest "Manners and Behaviors" survey by the Bay Area-based company, 21 per cent of the respondents identified income as the chief topic that singles say it is ok to tell a little white lie about in an online dating profile.

This followed by weight/body type (16 per cent), and age (14 per cent). The stated desire for a relationship and height was equally cited by 12 per cent of singles.

"Truthfulness may be the ideal, but many online daters seem to feel it is both necessary and acceptable to express little white lies," said Joelle Kaufman, Vice President of The Experience at

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