How Parents Can Help Their Children Overcome Post Summer Vacation Blues In Schools
How Parents Can Help Their Children Overcome Post Summer Vacation Blues In Schools
Parents should develop a friendly bond with their children.

Summer vacations in schools are soon going to be over. Many children will be feeling anxious and stressed at the thought of returning to school. A parent named Akilan interacted with Local 18 Tamil about how the parents can comfort their child during this situation. As per Akilan, parents should understand the changing mood swings of primary section students and maintain a harmonious relationship with them. The Tamil Nadu native said that these sudden changes in behaviour are bound to be seen because they are returning to school after a long time gap after their holidays are over. These changes can also be attributed to the fact that they are moving to another school or are scheduled to attempt examinations after vacation.

Akilan said that parents develop a friendly bond with their children and at the same time, keep a check on their activities daily. They should also pay attention to their academics but not burden or pressurise them with their studies. As per Akilan, the students are smarter enough to know the activities they exhibit a keen interest in and excel in them. He is also of the opinion that the parents should ensure that the students are in prim and proper uniform, that is smartly dressed with well-oiled hair. Akilan also advised the parents that they should make frequent visits to the schools to inquire about the performance of their wards. Parents should also try to find out whether the children can be disciplined without being harsh with them.

Akilan added that parents of female students should pay utmost attention to their all-round development. He said that we need to instil a lot of confidence in their personality so that they don’t feel shy enough to express their thoughts regarding any topic. He also opined that every parent should teach their girls some kind of sport to ensure their physical fitness. Akilan suggested that if every parent is a best friend to his child, the quality of their lives will improve significantly. He advised the class 9th students to study for at least 2 hours to deal with the burdensome syllabus of class 10th.

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