New Delhi: As the calendar turns to a New Year 2015, the young today are making resolutions for a healthier and happier year, aiming for a balanced lifestyle. The year can be optimistic and accomplishing for one self and health because 'Healthy makes Happy'!
With over 50 percent of the population below the age of 28, India is a young country. The young people in the age group of 18 - 35 years, constitutes of the precious resources of India. But if we consider the rising rate of lifestyle diseases among young people, the country may also be the abode of a large population of ailing youth - which is a dreadful prospect. Over-eating, junk food and a sedentary lifestyle are pushing the young towards the risk of obesity, depression, chronic backache, diabetes and hypertension and even heart diseases, asthma and arthritis. A survey, conducted showed that the urban youth are particularly prone to the aforementioned lifestyle diseases and India has the highest number of people dying from lifestyle diseases.
The young are under attack!
Increased hours in the work place, more stress, easier lifestyles with minimum physical exercise, smoking, dependence on junk food, are some of the causes to add to the burgeoning list of red list to an unhealthy body and mind. The youth and working young today are realising that Good health is about taking charge. They recognize and understand that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being as articulated by WHO.
Here are the 5 Rules of Thumb that if maintained can actually prevent and cut down the risk of acquiring any lifestyle disease :
1) Diet (less carbohydrate, more protein, less oil) :
A healthy diet is very crucial to a healthy being. It is not just being careful about what you eat that one needs to have an eye and mind for, but also for what not to eat to maintain a healthy body weight while controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, fat intake and other causative factors that can lead to the deterioration of the health.
Rather than focusing on individual foods, it is wise to coordinate the general eating habit towards more healthy options by incorporating a variety of food products in the right proportion, at right intervals mixed with the right amount of physical exercise.
• Avoid junk food.
• Opt for healthy snacks over burgers and chips.
• Incorporate more greens (leafy veggies) and fresh fruits in your diet.
• Switch over to whole-grain flour or multigrain flour.
• Eat in small proportions at regular intervals of time
• Know what you eat.
(Sachin Chaudhary is CEO & Founder, Medical Second Opinion)
2) Regular exercise:
A half an hour's walk, at least five days a week is the minimum an adult should indulge their body into for an active immune system. Exercising religiously for at least 3-5 days per week will benefit tremendously to a happier healthier you. Certain ways with which one can incorporate physical activity in everyday routines of life can be by avoiding lifts and elevators, avoiding sitting for a longtime, small walk after your last meal of the day or walking short distances rather than taking a car, etc.
3) Abstain from Substance Abuse:
Smoking and drinking are considered 'cool' among the youth today but these are the biggest enemies of a Healthy Being. Deaths from heart diseases are cut by one third among those who have quit the butt and alcohol. Smoking and drinking alcohol damages heart and blood vessels by increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clotting. Risk from lifestyle diseases reduces drastically over time as a person quits smoking and drinking as much as, or more than, common medicines that are used to lower heart diseases risk such as asprin, statins, beta-blockers, etc. Quit smoking for a younger you, good skin, more energy, better lung capacity and thus better breathing. Get back that control. Make your loved ones safer!
4) Control weight:
By eating right and ensuring regular exercises it is important that each individual keeps their weight under control to ensure a healthy living. Being overweight, especially with a bigger middle, leads to conditions that harm the heart. A healthy happier you is not far if you understand your body weight's impact on the healthy functioning of the body, through the Body Mass Index (BMI) that helps determine healthy and unhealthy body fat. A BMI of more than 25 marks the line of obesity indicates that each one should keep an eye on.
5) Control Blood Pressure and Sugar:
As a result of all the dietary measures that one takes along with the physical exercises they perform to maintain a body proportion and control weight, an impact is affected on the blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Recognize your unhealthy habits and take a first step today to correct them. Whether it's smoking, drinking excessively, lack of exercise, getting too little sleep, or being overweight, admitting them and starting to reverse them is important to living a full and active life.
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