Managing Minor Bleeding
Try to stay calm to keep your heart from racing. Don’t panic, breathe slowly and deeply, and remind yourself everything will be okay. Whether you have a minor cut or significant injury, staying calm can help you think clearly in the heat of the moment. Additionally, if you’re heart’s racing, it’ll pump blood harder and possibly worsen the bleeding.
Hold a clean, lint-free cloth or gauze to the wound for 15 minutes. Place the gauze or cloth over the area and apply firm pressure. Keep the covering in place for 15 minutes before checking to see if bleeding has stopped.Stopping a Nosebleed: Soak a cotton ball or piece of gauze with Afrin, or hold a cloth or gauze over your nose. Apply pressure to the cotton ball or gauze or just above your nostrils for 15 minutes. Sit or stand up straight, as lying down poses a risk of choking on blood that seeps into your throat.
Elevate the injury above your heart. If possible, keep the affected area above the level of your heart while you apply pressure. For instance, if the cut is on your hand, raise your hand and arm to shoulder height or higher. If it’s on your knee, lie down and elevate your leg so the wound is higher than your heart. For a leg injury, it might be tough to apply pressure while elevating the wound. To solve that problem, cover the area with a cloth or gauze and wrap it with a compression bandage or medical tape. Keeping the wound higher than your heart helps slow blood flow to the affected area.
Apply clotting powder or gel if 15 minutes of pressure doesn’t work. You can find clotting powders and gels online and at pharmacies. Application steps vary; read the instructions and spray it on or use the applicator included in the package. Keep the area dry for at least 2 hours, and allow the artificial scab to fall off on its own instead of picking at it. Simply holding gauze or a cloth over a cut for 15 minutes should do the trick, especially for minor wounds. However, if you have a pretty bad cut and want stay on the safe side, you can also apply clotting powder or gel right away. If bleeding lasts longer than 30 minutes or if clotting powder or gel is ineffective, seek immediate medical attention.
Responding to a Bleeding Emergency
Seek medical attention for persistent or severe bleeding. Get help right away if bleeding lasts more than 30 minutes, if you suffered a severe wound, or if large bruises form around the wound. Additionally, seek immediate medical care if the wound is dirty or resulted from a bite or rusty object. Go to the emergency room or a clinic right away if you fell and hit your head, even if you’re not bleeding. A head injury could lead to bleeding in the brain. Other situations that call for medical care include coughing up or vomiting blood, blood in your urine, or bloody or black stools. If you’re a woman, monitor your period and check with your doctor if you notice excessive bleeding.
Continue to apply pressure on the way to the emergency room. If you need medical attention, hold a clean, lint-free cloth or gauze over the wound and apply firm pressure. Keep the wound covered and, if possible, elevated above your heart while you head to the nearest emergency room. If you called emergency services, keep the wound covered and elevated until first responders arrive. They’ll render treatment and, if you need to go to the hospital, help you manage the wound on the way.
Counteract coumadin’s effects with vitamin K. The most commonly prescribed blood thinner, coumadin (Warfarin), works by reducing your body’s ability to use vitamin K to produce blood clots. In a bleeding emergency, a 1 to 5 mg dose of vitamin K is currently used to reverse the effects of this type of blood thinner. Your healthcare providers will assess your condition and administer the right dose either orally or intravenously (by IV). Counteracting the effects of the blood thinner will allow your body to form a clot and stop the bleeding. Newer, more advanced blood thinners work differently, and there are medications available that counteract their effects within minutes. Additionally, more antidotes will likely become available, so vitamin K may no longer be a standard treatment in the future.Safety Warning: Do not stop taking your medication or take vitamin K without consulting a doctor. Stopping your medication without a doctor’s guidance could be dangerous.
Rule out internal bleeding if you had a fall. If you went to the emergency room after falling or hitting your head, your healthcare providers may order a CT scan. Along with counteracting the blood thinner’s effects, they’ll take steps to treat any internal bleeding found on the scan. If you take a blood thinner and had a head injury, your doctor may want to admit you to the hospital overnight for observation. They may also order another CT scan after 24 hours. Delayed bleeding in the brain is possible, even if the first scan was all clear.
Lowering Your Risk of Bleeding
Remove hazards and obstacles in your home to prevent falls. Keep your home well-lit, and use night lights or turn on some lights at night so you can see where you’re going. Use the handrail when you climb stairs, get rid of loose throw rugs and other tripping hazards, and install non-slip decals or a mat in the bathtub or shower. It’s wise to wear non-skid slippers while you’re indoors. Always wear closed-toed shoes when you’re outside, and avoid wearing flip-flops. If you have mobility issues, it’s especially important to eliminate tripping hazards in your home.
Avoid contact sports and hazardous activities. Steer clear of any activities that put you at risk of falling or getting injured. Examples include American football, rugby, and skiing. Cycling is also risky, so limit or avoid riding your bike. If you do go cycling, use caution, avoid dangerous terrain, and be sure to wear a helmet and pads.
Wear gloves and use caution when you handle sharp objects. Pay close attention whenever you use knives, scissors, and other sharp household objects. Wear thick gloves while gardening, doing yard work, or handling any tools that could injure your skin.Tip: Use caution when you use sharp personal hygiene products, too. Trim your nails carefully, and keep them short to avoid scratching yourself. Instead of wet-shaving with a straight razor, use an electric razor or a hair-removing cream.
Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use slow, gentle circular motions when you brush, and avoid pressing too hard. Even if your gums bleed, don’t skip brushing and flossing. Taking good care of your teeth can help prevent bleeding gums in the long run. If your gums are bleeding, hold gauze to the area for 10 to 15 minutes as you would with a bleeding cut on your skin. Bleeding gums may indicate dental issues, so check with your dentist if your gums bleed regularly. Be sure to tell your dentist (and all healthcare providers you see) that you take a blood thinner.
Use a humidifier to prevent nosebleeds. Cold, dry air can increase the risk for nosebleeds. At a minimum, invest in a humidifier for your bedroom if you have trouble controlling nosebleeds. If possible, keep humidifiers in other areas where you spend lots of time, such as your workplace or living room. If your nose bleeds frequently, you can also carefully apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly inside your nostrils 3 times a day.
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