Note: Most squash are planted in hills instead of rows. This provides some dryness on top, since squash seed can more easily succumb to rot than other vegetable seed.
Till your garden deeply by hand or by rototiller. See wikiHow's article on how to double dig a garden for instructions.
Mark the placement of the hills. Hills of bushy summer squashes can be placed 2–3 feet (0.6–0.9 m) apart, while hills of vine squashes (Acorn, Hubbard, Buttercup, Pumpkin, etc.) will need to be placed 8–10 feet (2.4–3.0 m) apart to allow for spreading and to prevent hybridization when vines cross and meld.
Dig a hole at each hill location. One or two good scrapes of the hoe should do the trick.
Sprinkle slow release fertilizer into the hole.
Add a two hands amount of well rotted compost or manure. This will absorb and hold water, keeping the roots evenly supplied and hedging against extra dry weather.
Cover the mound of fertilizer and manure with dirt to form a mound approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) in diameter and 6–8 inches (15.2–20.3 cm) high.
Smooth the top of the hill.
Lay out your seeds.
Poke the seeds down into the hill approximately one inch (down close to the compost).
Cover the seeds with dirt.
Pat the dirt down.
Water gently at least every other day. Thin out seedlings to three per hill once they are established. Reapply fertilizer every 10 days.
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