How to Open Your Root Chakra
How to Open Your Root Chakra
Have you been feeling unsteady lately, like you can’t find the ground beneath your feet? This could be because your root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is blocked. The root chakra is responsible for helping you feel grounded and secure, and if energy is moving away from this chakra, you may experience moodiness and uncertainty. Opening your chakras is all about letting positive energy in. We’ve put together a list of mindful ways you can open your root chakra, so keep reading to learn how you can feel stable again.

Reconnect with nature.

The root chakra is connected to the earth and gains energy from nature. Spending time outdoors can help you recharge your positive energy. So, take off your shoes and feel the ground beneath your feet! Add walks to your daily routine. They can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as 30 minutes. All that matters is getting out and about. Tend or start a garden in your yard. Feeling the earth in your hands is a great way to open your root chakra. Unplug and take a nature hike. Surrounding yourself with wilderness is an awesome way to center yourself.

Speak positive affirmations.

Open your root chakra by being kind to yourself. What you say to yourself really does matter, so remind yourself that you're amazing even when you feel like the world is against you. Your root chakra centers you, and feeding it with positive energy can help you open your mind, body, and spirit to new possibilities. Here are some affirmations you can try: “I am safe.” “I am at peace with where I am right now.” “I am supported by the earth.”

Surround yourself with the color red.

The root chakra is represented by red. This color symbolizes the foundation, the roots, of your mind, body, and spirit. Opening your root chakra can be as simple as throwing on a red shirt, turning on a red light, or even watching a video of red visuals. While you surround yourself with this color, remind yourself that you are strong, capable, and smart. These kind words will welcome positive energy.

Practice yoga.

Sliding into grounding poses can help open your root chakra. In yoga, the root chakra is engaged when you feel the most supported by the earth. Practicing poses like Mountain, Side-Angle, Warrior, Standing Forward Fold, and Bridge is a great way to recenter your mind, body, and spirit and welcome positive energy.

Try breathing exercises.

A few mindful breaths can help motivate you. When your root chakra is blocked, you may feel stuck or sluggish. This is because your centering pathway isn’t getting energy. Find a quiet spot to sit, close your eyes, and follow these steps: Soften your muscles until you feel relaxed but supported by the ground beneath you. Notice the natural rhythms of your breaths. Focus on deepening your breath. When you inhale, bring your attention to the top of your head. When you exhale, imagine a line of energy running down your spine into the earth. Repeat this for about 3 minutes.

Do a root chakra meditation.

Let positive energy flow into your root chakra with silence. The root chakra is the base of all your chakras, making it the foundation of your mind, body, and spirit. Meditation can open your root chakra and help guide your energy upwards. Take at least 5 minutes each day to find a quiet spot and mindfully meditate, following these steps: Sit in a way that helps you feel supported. Close your eyes and focus on your breaths. Acknowledge any thoughts that come up and then let them pass.

Give mudras a try.

Unlock your root chakra with some hand yoga. Mudras are simple hand movements that help open the mind and spirit. To do the root chakra mudra, touch your index finger to your thumb while holding the rest of your fingers out, and rest your wrists on your knees. Do this mudra for at least 2 minutes when you're meditating or whenever you feel stuck to activate your root chakra.

Add new spices into your diet.

Clove and marjoram can help center and open your root chakra. Your energy feeds off of what you put inside your mind, body, and spirit. Tossing some new flavors into your meals can bring you closer to the earth, promote positive energy, and open your mind to new possibilities. Season poultry and pork with marjoram for an earthy and citrusy flavor. Sprinkle a bit of clove into tea or chai lattes for some extra warmth.

Diffuse grounding essential oils.

Earthy scents like myrrh and cedarwood can help open your root chakra. Dab these oils on your wrist and lower back before you go to bed, or diffuse them throughout your living space. This can help awaken your spiritual energy and feel more grounded. Use these oils while you meditate or right before bed so you open your eyes feeling connected with yourself and the earth.

Connect with a self-massage.

Giving yourself a massage is an easy way to open the root chakra. Your connection with the earth starts with a connection with yourself. Rub your feet while in Butterfly Pose, or draw soft circles behind your ears. Do what feels good in the present moment, and think about all the good you have to offer to the world.

Channel energy with crystals.

Red jasper can bring positive energy to the root chakra. Crystals store and release energy and help guide this energy through your body. Meditating with red jasper is a great way to open your root chakra. All you have to do is hold the crystal between your palms, close your eyes, and meditate. You can also keep crystals in your pocket throughout the day to bring good vibes with you wherever you go! If you don’t have red jasper, no problem! Other red-colored crystals can also help center your energy.

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