How to Make Cookies
How to Make Cookies
Whether you call them cookies or biscuits, everyone loves them just the same. Cookies come in thousands of shapes, sizes, and flavors, and they're relatively easy to make. While some cookies don't need baking, the ones that do offer more flexibility in terms of crispiness or chewiness. You just need to know how to tweak the ingredients and baking techniques for the desired effect! In this wikiHow you'll find tips you can use to make any cookie recipe better, as well as a number of great, common cookie recipes. Just get started with Step 1 below!

Mastering Techniques

Measure carefully. This is the golden rule of cookie baking. Follow the recipe to the tee (you can always experiment with later batches, testing how alterations affect the final product) and take the time to learn how to use measuring spoons and cups properly.

Mix the wet and dry ingredients as little as possible. You only want to mix the ingredients just enough so that the ingredients are moistened. Over-mixing will allow too many of the gas bubbles from the baking soda or powder reactions to escape, while also developing the gluten in the flour, resulting in dense, tough cookies.>

Check the baking soda or baking powder carefully. Using inactive baking soda or powder can ruin a batch of cookies. Test baking soda by adding a little bit of vinegar, or baking powder by adding it to hot water. If the mixture doesn't bubble, throw it out and purchase a fresh box or bag.

Mix the dry ingredients first. This is especially important with the baking soda or baking powder to ensure that it's evenly distributed and make sure that you don't end up with big holes in your cookies. Also, since baking powder is activated by water, you would want to wait until the last minute before mixing the wet ingredients so that the baking powder doesn't "run out of juice" too early on in the process. This is why recipes will generally have you mix the ingredients separately in two different bowls first.

Manipulating Ingredients

Add a little extra baking soda for thinner, crisper cookies. Adding .25 to .5 ounce (5 to 15 grams) per 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) of cookie dough will increase the pH of the dough, which weakens the structure and lets the dough spread more easily while it's baking. But be careful because adding too much baking soda can increase browning, leaving a salty-chemical off flavor, and make the eggs in the mixture turn grayish-green!

Use coarser sugar for thicker, chewier cookies. When sugar dissolves, it acts as a tenderizer that interferes with dough structure. This increases spreading in much the same way as baking soda does as described in the previous step because finer sugar dissolves more easily than coarser sugar. So if you want your cookies to remain thick and chewy, use coarse sugar (or use fine sugar for the opposite effect). If you decide to use powdered sugar for extra crispiness, make sure it doesn't have corn starch in it, or you'll get unexpected results. Not pretty!

Use butter that's at room temperature. You want to keep your butter as cold as possible at all times. Put it make in the fridge after mixing all of your wet ingredients and then in the fridge again before putting on the baking sheet. Butter that is too soft will make for flat, melty cookies.

Use shortening or corn starch to get a fluffier cookie. If you want a cookie that's a bit fluffier and cake-like, use one of these two ingredients. Switching the butter out for shortening will give cookies a better texture, and make them a little healthier. You can also add 2 teaspoons of corn starch in place of 4 tablespoons (59.1 ml) of the flour to get fantastically fluffy cookies.

Baking Like a Pro

Put the cookies on a room temperature or cool cookie sheet. Using a hot baking sheet will cause the dough to start to melt prematurely. Grease the cookie sheet with vegetable shortening or unsalted butter -- don't use vegetable oil because it'll burn between the cookies, and that's not a pleasure to clean. Some cookie dough recipes, however, have a lot of shortening or butter in it already and may not need to have the cookie sheet greased at all.

Use a liner. Use a parchment paper or Silipat lined baking sheet for ease of cookie baking. The baking sheet is easier to clean and will not suffer from greasy build up, if either is used while baking. Another plus is the cookies can be carefully removed from the baking sheet by pulling the parchment paper carefully from the cookie sheet and placing it on a cooling rack. The cookie sheet can be lined again with parchment paper and another batch of cookies can be baked.

Make evenly sized cookies. Use a cookie scoop or measuring spoon to make sure drop or shaped cookies are all the same size. The cookies will bake evenly and taste better.

Check the cookies. A time range is often given in a recipe, so once you reach the short end of the range, stick a toothpick right in the center of a cookie, and pull it out quickly. If little or no cookie sticks to the toothpick, they are done. Depending on amount of cookie left on toothpick, adjust cooking time accordingly.

Allow cookies to cool after removing from the oven. It is best to either let the cookies cool on the sheet, or to move them to a cooling rack. If you do not have a cooling rack, just turn a large plate upside down, and place the rack on top until it cools. Once the cookies have cooled slightly, remove them from cookie sheet to prevent them from sticking and breaking later.

Choosing Recipes

Bake basic sugar cookies. Sugar cookies are easy to make and require far fewer ingredients, making them easy to throw together at the last minute without having to run to the store. Sugar cookies are also basic enough to be enjoyed by everyone, avoiding strong preferences regarding individual flavors.

Make classic chocolate chip. Chocolate chip cookies are one of the most popular types of cookies across the world. These are another great basic to master. Take them up a notch by using fancy chocolate chips or other variations. You can make crunchy or soft chocolate chip cookies.

Bake healthy oatmeal cookies. Oatmeal cookies can provide a little extra dietary fiber, making them healthier than many of their cookie brethren. They're also easy to make and customize to suit your tastes or jazz up a bit.

Make chewy peanut butter cookies. Peanut butter cookies are a favorite for many and can make a nice, filling treat that works great for a breakfast item. These are also more diabetic friendly than other recipes, if the sugar is significantly adjusted.

Make sugary Snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles are basically giant piles of buttery, sugary, cinnamon goodness. They won't be the first thing you reach for when looking for a healthy cookie, but they are a delightful indulgence.

Bake spicy ginger snaps. Whether you're setting up for Christmas or a summer picnic, ginger snaps make a great addition to any get together. They're widely liked and easy to make, so give these tasty cookies a try.

Make tropical Macaroons. Macaroons are a cookie that look hard but are actually really easy to make. If you've got someone to impress, try these deceptively fancy treats on for size. The coconut and chocolate will be just what you need to feel gourmet.

Bake fancy Marzipan cookies. Marzipan is a cooking ingredient usually limited to fancy Italian desserts. However, this sweet almond paste can make for a seriously tasty cookie and some nice Continental sophistication.

Make elegant lemon ricotta cookies. Whether you're looking for a unique flavor or just want to take a party from last minute to black tie affair, try these foodie cookies. The mixture of flavors will surprise you and leave your guests wowed.

Bake unique bacon chocolate cookies. Who goes by the book? Not you. Who defies expectations? Now we're talking. Make these cookies that not only taste great but will get everybody talking. Because why make plain chocolate chip when you can make something they'll never forget?

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