How to Improve Jupiter in Astrology
How to Improve Jupiter in Astrology
Jupiter, called Guru or Brihaspati in Vedic astrology, is the planet of learning and wisdom and is considered the most favorable (benefic) planet in the solar system. Jupiter is naturally strong in most horoscopes and will give you luck, wealth, happy relationships, and vast spiritual and practical knowledge. For an unlucky few, Jupiter is weak and can cause laziness, over-indulgence, a lack of success in business and relationships, and health problems like inflammation and dry skin. Fortunately, there are a variety of simple ways to activate Jupiter’s positive powers in your life and reverse bad luck from the planet. Keep reading for a list of things you can do to start enjoying the health, wealth, and good luck of strong Jupiter.

Put on yellow clothing.

Yellow is the color of Jupiter and represents peace and tranquility. Add yellow to your outfits every day of the week but especially on Thursdays, the day of Jupiter. This will bring balance to your emotional and psychological dilemmas and soothe health problems in the blood, nerves, and reproductive system. Surround your body and home in yellow and gold to maximize the good vibes of Jupiter. The more yellow, the better!

Wear a yellow sapphire stone.

Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj) is the gemstone of Jupiter. Wear it in a gold ring or necklace for prosperity and good financial fortune. The stone will also promote good health, spiritual knowledge, and loving relationships. If you don’t have a yellow sapphire, wear other yellow or gold jewelry as a substitute. The power of the yellow sapphire is strongest on Thursdays. Yellow topaz is also a lucky stone for Jupiter when you wear it in a ring on your index finger. The first day you wear the stone should be a Thursday.

Add turmeric to your cooking.

Jupiter is strengthened by eating turmeric. Add this yellow spice to your daily meals to please Jupiter and enjoy its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Drink milk with turmeric to treat physical ailments in your bones and joints and help fight infections. You can also use turmeric to improve Jupiter by: Tying yellow string around a jar of turmeric and wearing it around your neck Wearing a tilak (forehead marking) of turmeric paste Adding a pinch of turmeric to your bath water

Stick to a vegetarian diet.

Ditch the meat in your cooking, especially beef. Jupiter is happy when you treat cows with respect, so this definitely includes not eating them! If you know any cows nearby, feed them yellow foods like gram dal (yellow lentils), jaggery (cane sugar), or turmeric for extra luck. Other helpful diet changes include: Avoiding alcohol Eating sweet yellow foods, like bananas or halwa

Donate yellow things to charity.

Donating is a powerful way to win a planet’s favor in Vedic astrology. Make Jupiter happy and give away yellow items and foods to the poor like clothes, flowers, gold, bananas, gram dal, split Bengal gram (chickpeas), or turmeric. The motivation behind your donation is more important than the amount, so only give what you can. Make donations on a Thursday to increase the impact of your giving. Any service to the poor or volunteering at a religious place will please Jupiter, even if you don’t have any yellow items to give. Donate turmeric to a holy place, like a temple, for 8 consecutive days to gain Jupiter’s favor before starting something new.

Worship a peepal (sacred fig) tree.

The peepal tree is especially important to Jupiter. Find a tree to care for to transform weak Jupiter into a strong one, and strong Jupiter into a lucky one. Water the roots of the tree daily in the morning (never in the afternoon or at night) and light a ghee lamp underneath the tree in the evenings. Never cut or remove a peepal tree unless absolutely necessary. Worshiping living things, like trees, gives faster and stronger results than other methods of worship.

Praise Lord Vishnu on Thursdays.

The planet Jupiter represents the Hindu god Vishnu. Worship or pay respect to him on Thursdays while burning a ghee lamp for prosperity and happiness in your married life. There are many simple rituals to perform at home if you don’t have a spiritual guru to guide you. Here are several common worship practices: Read the Vishnu Sahasranama, a Sanskrit hymn containing all 1,000 names of Vishnu. Clean a picture of Vishnu by washing the photo in a bath of water and turmeric. Dry it off with a yellow cloth. Offer Vishnu yellow rice while chanting the Guru Beej Mantra.

Chant the Guru Beej Mantra.

Repeat this mantra to release the powers of Jupiter. The words are “om gram greem grom sah guruve namah,” but there are several variations with different wording or pronunciation. Chant this mantra 108 times every day to increase your spiritual and practical knowledge. Chant this mantra on a Thursday or while you do other Jupiter-pleasing acts, like wearing yellow or worshiping a peepal tree, to increase its power. It’s best to consult an astrologer or spiritual authority who can show you the proper pronunciation and any other instructions that accompany the chant.

Fast on Thursdays.

Fasting has many spiritual and physical benefits. The process gives you the opportunity to connect with Jupiter and receive his blessing on his day of the week. Only eat at nighttime or in the early morning when the sun is down, and fill up on yellow foods like lentils, jaggery, turmeric, or bananas after offering prayer to Lord Brihaspati (Jupiter). Avoid salt and drink plenty of water in the morning to stay hydrated during your fast. Fasting on Thursdays also removes obstacles in your marriage and empowers you to improve your health and financial circumstances.

Keep your hygiene routine simple on Thursdays.

Stick to daily maintenance and save big makeovers for another day. In Hindu scriptures, it’s forbidden to wash your head, cut your hair, shave, or cut your nails on Thursdays. Doing these things will irritate Jupiter and cause money problems and bad luck in your business or personal projects. Basic hygiene, like brushing your teeth and wearing deodorant, is still OK. When you do get your hair cut, chop it above the shoulder as a remedy for weak Jupiter.

Take a break from housekeeping on Thursdays.

Cut back on your cleaning to increase Jupiter’s powers. Light tidying to keep your house in order is OK, but save your major junk removal and hardcore dirty cleaning projects for another day of the week. Laundry for your everyday clothes is fine too, but plan to launder your special garments another time.

Start important projects on Thursdays.

Jupiter blesses new undertakings that begin on Thursdays. The success of these projects will be repeated again in the future, so start working on Thursdays if you know you’ll need to repeat a specific project or task later. These can include art projects like paintings or clothes designing, construction work, business tasks, or even traveling. Since Jupiter is the planet of learning, save your studying or educational projects for Thursdays for maximum good luck.

Only strengthen your Jupiter when it feels weak.

A planet that’s too strong is just as bad as one that’s too weak. Jupiter is naturally very strong in most people’s horoscopes, so only perform strengthening acts now and then to keep up the relationship. Take a break from Jupiter-related activities (especially on Thursdays) to downplay its effects if you feel the giant planet’s influence in your life is too strong. An overbalanced Jupiter can cause spiritual unrest and health problems like inflammation, dry skin, or indigestion. If Jupiter is overwhelming and causing bad side effects, try strengthening its enemy planet, Mercury, to fix the balance in your horoscope.

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