How to Flirt With the Girl You Like
How to Flirt With the Girl You Like
So you like a girl, and you want her to like you back. Maybe you're shy? Maybe you just don't know what to do?

Make sure she is available. You don't want to flirt with a girl that has a boyfriend. Flirting with a taken girl is a big no-no. And a bit of a turn off as she may think you are desperate.

Choose the right time. This may be as wide as a range as from a party, to her walking in the hall, or just plain bored outside during recess. Be aware of what she is doing at that moment. Don't try to flirt when she is busy talking or having fun, this will make her agitated because you are intruding. The best time would be a lag in a conversation or most likely when she is alone. Then you do not need to worry about people interrupting or stealing her away. But do NOT bolt her where she is by locking onto her arm or droning on with a boring conversation.

Seek out common interests. This is key to approaching her without her dying to leave. If you both like soccer, comment on a recent game. If you both like a popular show, talk about last night's episode. But keep in mind, girls hate it when boys lie to seem interesting. And they will find out. Do not lie and say you absolutely love to watch a certain show and then get caught in a question any dedicated viewer would know. Be real, don't fake it. If she can't accept you for who you are, then she doesn't deserve you.

Make eye contact. Look her way, but don't stare! If your eyes meet, don't lower your eyes in humility. Lock your eyes with her pretty ones and you'll find it hard to look away. Just make sure your eyes are not bugged out. Keep them relaxed, add a smile, even a little wave. This will show you're interested.

Have good hygiene. Don't approach her after you've worked out. All you will accomplish with greasy hair, horrible breath, and strong B.O. is seeing how fast she can run away. Shower with soap, wash your hair, brush your teeth and tongue, and apply a light layer of cologne.

Start a conversation. It can be in the classroom, in the hall, outside, anywhere. Just as long as she isn't already engaged in one, you can start a light conversation. It's best to start with a question, that way she is immediately engaged and you have her attention.

Smile! Don't grin from ear to ear every second, but don't be a block of ice either. Warmly smile periodically.

Break the touch barrier. The "Touch Barrier" is a line most guys are afraid to cross because it means physical contact with someone they don't know extremely well. But this line isn't all that hard to cross if you know how. Light, innocent contact works best. Brush a strand of hair out of her eyes, hold her hand to lead her somewhere, a quick hug, or a soft shoulder rub when consoling will go a long way. Be sure to do QUICK touches though, don't rough her up, and DON'T keep her in one place. This will frighten her and work the opposite way you desire.

Make jokes and be funny. Girls love funny guys and if you make her laugh then that's a good sign she's not regretting spending time with you. If you have to, embarrass yourself a little. This does NOT mean passing gas or slipping in mud for other's entertainment. If you stumble a bit or lose your balance, and she laughs, that's a great way to smile and give a playful nudge and say, "Don't laugh," or something of the sort.

Be yourself. Don't hold back your true self from her. Show who you really are and have fun with the flirting. Don't waste time thinking of wonderful aspects of your life to make up to make you sound more interesting. Be you! Like before, if she can't accept that, there's somebody out there a million times better who can.

Have fun with it. You have no obligation to flirt with her. You like her! So make it your own experience. If you both are giggling, smiling, and having fun, then you're doing it right. If it's awkward, laugh about it! Say, "Well this is awkward..." Chances are, she'll smile and agree, and it'll be an easy inside joke.

Relax. As long as you're comfortable, confident, and prepared, you'll do fine. And it can even lead to something more.

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