Determine what you want to add or fix in Minecraft. Mods are modifications of the original game. They will replace, fix, or add content that would otherwise not be there. Modifications can significantly change the way the game is played, but they can also cause the game to become unstable, especially if multiple mods are installed.
Find a Minecraft mod website. Since mods are created by individuals and small teams, they often don't have their own websites. Instead, you can browse released mods through various dedicated community websites and forums. Some of the most popular include: Minecraft ForumFind Mods for Minecraft Step 3.jpg MinecraftMods.comFind Mods for Minecraft Step 2Bullet2.jpg Planet MinecraftFind Mods for Minecraft Step 2Bullet3.jpg Minecraft-Mods.orgFind Mods for Minecraft Step 2Bullet4.jpg
Browse the available mods. Use the categories and search tools of the various mod sites to find the mods that you want. There are thousands of mods available, so it may help to have a specific goal in mind. Use this goal as your search term to find mods relative to your interest. Some of the most popular mods include: Optifine – This mod will increase performance and visuals in Minecraft, making it run better and look better at the same time!Find Mods for Minecraft Step 7.jpg It offers new actions and cosmetic features that give Minecraft a cleaner look. It gives players access to a variety of texture packs with special features that change the look of the world. Pixelmon – This mod will put your favorite Pokémon into your Minecraft game. Catch 'em all!Find Mods for Minecraft Step 8.jpg TooManyItems – This mod reworks the inventory and crafting system, allowing for faster crafting and more efficient inventory management.Find Mods for Minecraft Step 9.jpg Rei's Minimap – This mod adds a small map to your screen that will show you where you are in relation to places you've already explored. Never get lost again!Find Mods for Minecraft Step 10.jpg
Ensure that the mod is compatible. The mods you download will need to be compatible with your current version of Minecraft. All mods should say in their information what version(s) they work with.
Install the Forge API. The Forge API is a newer release that allows you to easily install multiple mods while minimizing crashes. This is an optional tool unless the mod specifically requires the Forge API. Some mods may require an older tool called Modloader. This tool is not compatible with Forge API, so you should stick to one or the other. It is recommended that Forge be installed on a clean installation of Minecraft. This will help reduce errors and incompatibilities. Run at least one game on your new Minecraft installation. Before you install anything, you should run one game on your fresh Minecraft installation.Find Mods for Minecraft Step 5Bullet2.jpg Download the latest Forge installer from the developer's website.Find Mods for Minecraft Step 5.jpg Open the installer. Make sure that it is set to “Install client” and then click OK. Forge will be installed. You can select the Forge profile from your Minecraft launcher to load your installed Forge mods.Find Mods for Minecraft Step 6.jpg
Download the mods of your choice. Once you've found a few mods that you want to try, download them to your computer. The mod should download in a .JAR or .ZIP format.
Install the mod. Open your Minecraft application folder, located in the \%appdata%\ folder. You can access this folder by entering %appdata% into the Run box (Windows), or by holding down Alt and then clicking the Go menu and selecting Library (Mac). Open the Minecraft folder and then open the “mods” folder. Copy the downloaded mod file into the folder.
Launch Minecraft. Load the Forge profile (if using Forge mods), and then click Play. In the main menu, you will see a “Mods” option. Click it to see the mods that have been installed. IF you want to uninstall a mod, simply delete it from the “mods” folder.
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