Scooping out the Waste
Use a scoop to remove the waste from the litter box. Using a cat litter scoop, pick up the waste from the litter box. Try to avoid shaking the scoop to let the clean litter pass through, as this stirs up more dust. You can find a cat litter scoop from a pet or big box store, as well as online.
Transfer the waste to a plastic bag. Hold a plastic bag with one hand and pour the waste from the scoop into the bag using the other hand. Be careful that you get all of the waste in the bag. It’s a good idea to hold the plastic bag over the litter box while you’re transferring the waste. The plastic bag doesn’t need to be large, just big enough to contain the waste and be tied.
Tie the plastic bag so it’s properly sealed and dispose of it. Knot the top of the plastic bag, making sure it’s tight so that the waste remains contained. Once the bag is properly sealed, you can dispose of it in the regular garbage with the rest of your trash. It’s best to take the bag with the cat litter straight to the outdoor trashcan instead of one inside so it doesn’t create an odor. You can also keep a separate trash can with a lid near the litter box.
Taking Safety Precautions
Wear gloves and a mask every time you deal with the litter. The gloves will protect your hands when dealing with the waste and litter, and the mask will help prevent you from inhaling the dust from the litter. Put on the gloves and mask before you even begin to dispose of the litter. Some people choose to wear some type of goggles so nothing gets in their eyes, but the gloves and mask are most important.
Remove the waste daily for proper hygiene. This will keep the litter box from smelling bad and will keep your cat and home healthier. Remove waste around the same time each day, such as before you take a shower in the evening or right after you’ve had your morning cup of coffee so that it becomes a habit. Even if your cat doesn't produce a lot of waste, you still need to scoop the box daily.
Clean the scooper after you’ve finished using it. Rinse the scooper under clean running water, adding soap if desired. Giving the scooper a quick rinse each time you use it will help ensure bacteria doesn’t spread. Place the scooper in a bucket or tray when you’re not using it.
Wash your hands after you’ve disposed of the cat litter. Even if you use gloves, it’s a good idea to use soap and water to wash your hands after you’re all done. This will help ensure you don’t spread any harmful bacteria.
Using Alternative Methods
Buy a cat litter disposal system to make disposing of cat litter easy. You can find these systems at pet stores or online. Most of them are essentially an airtight trashcan for cat litter—you can dump the waste right into the system and only have to take out the trash bag every week or so.
Use biodegradable cat litter to help with composting. You can purchase biodegradable cat litter that’s made from ingredients such as wheat, grains, citrus, corn, or wood shavings. By using a biodegradable cat litter, you can compost the cat litter yourself or find a program in your community that will compost the litter for you. Check your local laws to make sure that burying cat litter in your own yard is allowed. Do a search online to find programs that will compost your cat litter.
Look into poop collection services that will collect the waste. Some cities or towns have services that will come and pick up the cat litter, similar to how a trash company comes and picks up your trash. Go online to see if there’s a cat litter collection service near you. These services will cost a fee, so make sure you look into the price before signing up.
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