The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has published the revised result for the UP Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) Main (Written) Examination-2022, commonly known as PCS (J) Mains-2022. Five candidates, who were previously categorised as unsuccessful but are now successfully eligible for the interview stage, are included in the updated results.
According to an announcement made by the UPPSC, separate interviews for these five candidates will take place. The date and timing of these interviews will be announced later, according to UPPSC Controller of Examination Harsh Dev Pandey.
Following an appeal submitted by candidate Shravan Pandey, who claimed discrepancies in his answer sheets, the results were corrected. Pandey said that the results of his exam were impacted by the alteration of his English answer sheet and the tearing of sheets from another sheet. The UPPSC was then ordered by the Allahabad High Court to produce the answer sheets for the six question papers in person. It was found that 50 candidates’ answer papers had been switched during the investigation.
According to the UPPSC, the updated results are just temporary and it will be subject to the Allahabad High Court’s ultimate ruling in Shravan Pandey’s petitions and other such petitions. The next hearing for Pandey’s case is set for August 28.
From May 22 to May 25 last year, the UP Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) Main Examination-2022 was held. The results and marks were revealed on August 30 and November 1 last year. Following Shravan Pandey’s access to his files through an RTI request, the answer sheets were reviewed. The Allahabad High Court granted his petition and directed the UPPSC to provide the answer sheets on June 5, 2024.
On June 7 this year, the UPPSC produced an affidavit stating that to address the issue of dummy roll numbers used during evaluation, all 18,042 answer sheets had been inspected. On June 20, the commission showed applicants their response forms, and they did so until July 30. On August 13, UPPSC announced that the updated results would be available shortly after verifying the errors that had been made in the roll numbering process.
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