AI pilots threaten to go on strike for salary
AI pilots threaten to go on strike for salary
The pilots claim they have not been paid their pending arrears.

Mumbai: Air India pilots have served the management a fresh ultimatum to sort out issues relating to salary and allowances by November 10, failing which they threatened to go on strike from November 24.

In a letter written to the NACIL Chairman and Managing Director Arvind Jadhav, the Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA), said "if issues, including that of pending arrears, are not addressed by November 10, the letter be considered a strike notice.

"This grievance letter be considered as a 14-day notice of strike under section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, by which strike shall be effective from 1700 hrs of November 24," the letter read.

ICPA, the non-executive pilots' body of the erstwhile Indian Airlines, claims representation of 800 pilots. It claimed that the company has not paid salary allowances, which constitute almost 70-80 per cent of their salary, since August.

In September, 400 Air India executive pilots had gone on mass sick leave for four days to protest pay cuts, resulting in more than 200 flights being cancelled and the airline losing more than Rs 100 crore.

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