Karlmann King is the World's Most Expensive SUV – Watch Video
Karlmann King is the World's Most Expensive SUV – Watch Video
The Karlmann King measures in at almost six meters from front to back and weighs in at 4.5 tonnes. And yes, it can be bulletproof if you want.

We are talking about a new SUV in the town called Karlmann King, which is priced more than most of the hypercars at $2 million. It's the perfect antidote for those who think all today's SUVs look pretty much the same because nothing else on earth looks like this.

The Karlmann King measures in at almost six meters from front to back and weighs in at 4.5 tonnes. But if you want to go for the optional bulletproofing (and why wouldn't you?), this mighty beast will then tip the scales at an astronomical 6,000 kg.

How much are you willing to pay for a brand new SUV? Probably Rs 30 lakh for a decent 7-seater 4*4 SUV, or if you want proper luxury and brand like Range Rover, then something like Rs 1 Crore. What if we say there’s an SUV that’s touted as the world’s most expensive SUV and comes with a whopping base price tag of $2.2 million. Add to it body armour and customization and the price can cross $3.5 million.

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