Video: Brazil Man Open Fires At Father’s Alleged Killer Inside Packed Courtroom
Video: Brazil Man Open Fires At Father’s Alleged Killer Inside Packed Courtroom
Cristiano Alves Terto shot several rounds at his father’s alleged killer Francisco Cleidivaldo Mariano De Moura inside a packed courtroom in Brazil during the latter’s trial.

A Brazilian man shot dead his father’s accused killer in the middle of a courtroom in the city of São José do Belmonte. Cristiano Alves Terto, 27, fired a volley of six shots at Francisco Cleidivaldo Mariano De Moura, 38, who was in the courtroom for the murder trial of Cristiano Alves Terto’s father.

The footage of the video has gone viral on social media. The video begins with Francisco Cleidivaldo Mariano De Moura slumping on his chair in the courtroom. As the proceedings continued, Cristiano Alves Terto suddenly rushed at him with a .38-calibre revolver pointed directly at De Moura, firing twice as he came closer to his father’s accused killer sitting steps away from a juror and an attorney.

Then in the next few seconds, Terto fires another volley of bullets at De Moura at point-blank rage. De Moura ducked and finally took cover behind a desk to hide from the volley of bullets but Terto reached there and emptied the entire round on him.

When De Moura collapsed on the floor behind the magistrates’ bench, Terto quickly rushed and also struck him furiously twice in the head with the gun. He then fled the courtroom.

A woman comes to help De Moura, who is now bleeding, but is unable to hold him up.

De Moura survived the shooting and Terto was chased down by the police and was arrested on the suspicion of attempted murder by Pernambuco police officials.

The incident happened in November but authorities released the video this week.

Terto has been in jail since and De Moura, who killed Terto’s father in 2012, remains free even though he confessed to killing Francisco Alves, when the former was looking for a donkey that strayed off the field.

It remains unclear why the Brazilian law enforcement did not take any action against De Moura who was on the lam for more than 12 years even after he confessed.

It also remains unclear when the original trial will begin.

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