Strategic bombers to cruise missiles: Russia steps up attack on ISIS
Strategic bombers to cruise missiles: Russia steps up attack on ISIS
It was the second time that warships have been used since the start of the bombing campaign on September 30.

The Russian military is pulling to stops on their attacks on the ISIS targets in Syria. The air force used long range bombers to drop precision munitions and guided missiles on IS positions all along the strife torn nation.

Now Russia has also fired cruise missiles from warships in the Caspian Sea at targets across Syria. Moscow fired 18 missiles from ships in its Caspian Sea fleet at seven targets in the Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo provinces, according to Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu. It was the second time that warships have been used since the start of the bombing campaign on September 30. Overall, there are 10 warships taking part in the operation, six of which are in the Mediterranean.

The Russian Ministry of Defence has released this footage of the missiles being fired by the Caspian fleet:

Moscow has stepped up its strikes in Syria with long-distance bombers after confirming for the first time on Tuesday that a bomb downed a Russian airliner in Egypt last month, killing all 224 people on board. The recent attacks across Paris seemed to have only added fuel to the Russian zeal to take the battle to the Islamic terror outfit. Russian airmen have been recorded inscribing 'That's for Paris' on the side of one of the bombs they plan to use against IS in Syria.

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