Chinese Teen's Desperate Pursuit Of Beauty Results In Anxiety, Depression And Waste Of Money
Chinese Teen's Desperate Pursuit Of Beauty Results In Anxiety, Depression And Waste Of Money
Zhou Chuna underwent 10 eyelid surgeries, multiple bone shavings and over 100 medical procedures to appear like a star.

While appearance could be significant for many, it shouldn’t become an obsession. Obsessing over one’s appearance can lead to various physical and mental health issues. This fact was starkly illustrated by the story of a Chinese woman who, in an attempt to resemble a celebrity, underwent numerous surgeries and treatments, resulting in severe health consequences. Zhou Chuna, an 18-year-old from Zhejiang province in eastern China, embarked on this journey, funded by her parents, to transform herself into the image of her favourite Chinese actress, Esther Yu.

Zhou’s journey began at the tender age of 13 when she had her first plastic surgery—an eyelid procedure. Over the years, she underwent a staggering ten eyelid surgeries, along with multiple bone shavings and over 100 other medical procedures, costing her family more than Rs 4.6 crore. However, what started as an innocent desire to enhance her appearance quickly spiralled into an unhealthy obsession that took a toll on her physical and mental well-being.

Throughout her school years, Zhou struggled with anxiety and depression, exacerbated by comparisons to her attractive mother and feelings of inferiority compared to her classmates. These insecurities led her to pursue more surgeries, eventually dropping out of school to focus solely on altering her appearance.

Despite warnings from her doctor, Zhou continued with her surgeries, even undergoing the most painful procedures, such as bone shaving, which left her bedridden for weeks. Reflecting on her transformation, she expressed sadness over being unrecognisable to her old friends and the reluctance of her parents to acknowledge her as their daughter when questioned by others.

Zhou’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of becoming fixated on appearance. It highlights the importance of prioritising mental and physical health over unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures. Ultimately, true beauty lies in self-acceptance and inner confidence, rather than external modifications.

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