Rakhi Sawant shares alleged WhatsApp chats in which Adil Khan Durrani is seen telling Rakhi that he wants to participate in Bigg Boss or Lock Upp.
The trouble between Rakhi Sawant and her former husband Adil Khan Durrani is not a secret. Ever since the latter walked out of jail last month, the two have levelled several allegations on each other. Recently, Rakhi took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of posts against Adil.
In one of the posts, Rakhi claimed that Adil ‘used’ her to get famous. She also shared alleged WhatsApp chats in which Adil was seen telling Rakhi that he wanted to participate in Bigg Boss or Lock Upp. “I knew he did everything for the fame and to get inside the big boss house. He used me to get famous, I followed Islamic rules and now he ditched me,” she wrote.
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