Tata Power Customers Can Now Pay Bills, Get Support Through Microsoft Kaizala App
Tata Power Customers Can Now Pay Bills, Get Support Through Microsoft Kaizala App
The initiative will help Tata Power customers get access to bills, payment invoices and service queries directly through a single chat window on the Microsoft Kaizala app.

Tata Power has announced its partnership with Microsoft India by marking the commencement of its chat-based customer support and service platform via Microsoft Kaizala. The app is available for download on Play Store (for Android) and App Store (for iOS) as a free tool, and can be used by customers and companies alike for end-to-end communications services. The service has been officially unveiled, and will continue to add more features in the long run.

According to its media statement, Tata Power has claimed that its chat-based customer service platform is the first of its kind by any power utility firm in India. In its first round of operations, Tata Power will offer the Kaizala platform exclusively to its Mumbai customers. Through Microsoft Kaizala, users can access company support, raise service requests, pay bills and view payment invoices all within a single chat window, thereby streamlining the handling of power utility within a single platform. Customers of Tata Power will also get meter reading updates, due date alerts and connectivity status updates directly through Kaizala.

Going forward, Tata Power will also allow its customers to raise demand for viewing bills of any month in the past, as well as download payment and account statements. To access the power utility's chat window, customers will need to download the Microsoft Kaizala app and sign up using the same phone number that is registered with their Tata Power accounts. While the service is now live in Mumbai, Tata Power has not revealed its plans for other circles across India.

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