Come On, Jeffery, You Can’t Do it: Is Amazon Cloning Products From Small Sellers?
Come On, Jeffery, You Can’t Do it: Is Amazon Cloning Products From Small Sellers?
Speculation about the e-commerce giant cloning devices and products from the myriad sellers using Amazon’s platform as a medium between them and customers.

Amazon launched a bunch of products in its annual 2021 fall event that also included Amazon Astro, the highly talked-about robot. Another element of attraction in the event was the Halo View Fitness Tracker. Amazon Halo View Fitness Tracker is a band that can measure your heart rate, sleep, calories, and skin temperature, among others. However, as the gadget went under scrutiny of experts and interested buyers, a few similarities in the newly launched amazon product and the recently launched Fitbit Charge 5 were spotted.

Apart from the features offered by both the wearable gadgets, there were a few similarities in the overall design as well. While there were some striking similarities, there was a stark difference between the two products, i.e., the price. The Fitbit Charge 5 is priced around $180 or Rs.13,342. The Amazon Halo View Fitness Tracker was priced at roughly $80 or Rs.5929, almost half the price of the former, as per a Verge report.

Speculation about the e-commerce giant cloning devices and products from the myriad sellers using Amazon’s platform as a medium between them and customers, and then manufacturing them under the Amazon’s brand. An example of such a scenario exists in the new thermostat offered by Amazon, supported by Alexa, the company’s AI assistant.

The new thermostat that can detect your presence in the house and adjust the temperature accordingly is uncannily similar to a thermostat device manufactured by a company called Tado. Again, the difference between the two products was the price. While the former is priced at around $60 or Rs.4,447, the latter comes at the cost of $240 or Rs.17,789.

The entire situation reeks of a method of cloning the designs of lesser-known companies selling their product on Amazon and then undercutting the product on price. Although the speculations are yet to be confirmed, people on social media have shared a lot of products that existed beforehand but are now being sold under Amazon’s brand.

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