RSS involved in acts of terrorism: Congress
RSS involved in acts of terrorism: Congress
Congress remained silent on corruption and instead spoke about terrorism and communalism as the biggest threat.

New Delhi: Congress top brass remained silent on the multi-crore Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society scam at the All India Congress Committee meet in New Delhi on Tuesday and instead spoke about terrorism and communalism as the biggest threat facing the country.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi spoke on a wide range of issues including Kashmir, Naxalism, price rise and the verdict in the Ayodhya title dispute case but did not speak on the allegations of corruption that have embarrassed the Congress in the recent weeks.

The party instead took the battle to the opposition with Sonia, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh training their guns on the communal forces and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS).

Mukherjee said that investigations have revealed how RSS members were involved in acts of terrorism.

"Recent investigation reveals the true colour of RSS. It shows the involvement of RSS members in acts of terrorism. Congress will continue its fight against communal forces who are trying to destabilise India," Mukherjee said at the AICC meet.

While inaugurating the meet, Sonia said that communal forces need to be checked.

"Allahabad High Court judgement in Ayodhya case in no way condones the demolition of Babri Masjid. It was a shameful, criminal act and all those responsible must be brought to justice. Judgement on Ayodhya has sent out a message against communalism. Our fight against communalism and fanaticism of all kinds should continue. All such acts will be fought," she said.

Manmohan Singh also echoed the sentiments expressed by Sonia and Mukherjee saying that the Congress worked for the development of all sections of the society.

"Congress works for the weakest sections of the society. Our policy of economic development is for all the sections of the society. Our target is to improve on our weakness and strengthen the development of the country. Our country has to fight against serious issues like Naxalism and communalism," said Manmohan.

Mukherjee also announced at the meet that Sonia had been elected as party president for the fourth term.

None of the speakers spoke about the allegations of corruption in Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in October. Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chief Suresh Kalmadi was also present at the meet.

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