Weekly Horoscope, Jan 1 to Jan 7, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
Weekly Horoscope, Jan 1 to Jan 7, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE, JAN 1 TO JAN 7, 2024: Get your weekly prediction on the first day of New Year 2024 from renowned astrologer Chirag. Find out what the stars have in store for you in coming week in terms of love, career, health, and more.


Ganesha says this week holds a whirlwind of activity. Opportunities for career advancement, business growth, and employment bloom early on. Efficiently managing your time and energy will be key to reaping the rewards. Seniors and colleagues offer unwavering support, aiding in the completion of pending tasks. Well-wishers act as catalysts, propelling you forward. Politicians might receive a prestigious position or responsibility by the week’s end. Working women may find the balance between work and home a little tricky.

WATCH: Monthly Horoscope for January 2024

The second half brings a surge of profits and expansion opportunities for businesses. Employed individuals witness the blossoming of additional income streams. Exam and competition aspirants receive news that fuels their aspirations. Married life flourishes with joy and cherished moments spent with loved ones. Health remains stable.

  • Lucky Colour: Red
  • Lucky Number: 15


This week your words and actions hold immense power. Speak with care and choose your battles wisely, for your words can either forge your path or crumble it. At the beginning, it’s best to let minor issues fade into the background, both at home and in the workplace. Potential rivals might try to divert you from your goals. Short or long journeys are likely, whether welcome or not. Prioritize your health and the safety of your belongings during travel.

Mid-week may witness a slight budget imbalance due to increased spending on home repairs. Stay vigilant in the second half, as opponents become more active at work. Disputes concerning land and property may arise. Love relationships might encounter some turbulence, with misunderstandings cropping up between you and your partner. However, a female friend’s intervention can help smooth things over, and by the week’s end, your love life will be back on track.

  • Lucky Colour: Orange
  • Lucky Number: 8


This week success demands extra effort and unwavering focus. When resolving family matters, let dialogue be your weapon, not arguments. Prioritize your health, as seasonal or chronic illnesses might lurk around the corner. A lack of desired progress in your career or business might cause temporary worry. Employed individuals might feel disheartened due to unwanted transfers or responsibilities. The second half brings the possibility of career or business-related journeys, short or long, proving beneficial despite initial challenges.

Family and close friends offer invaluable support during this time. With their backing, you can overcome significant obstacles. If you’re in a relationship, your family might play a role in facilitating your marriage. Positive news regarding children brings joy to your home. For better health, adjust your eating habits and daily routine.

  • Lucky Colour: Yellow
  • Lucky Number: 7


This week a clear mind is your armour against challenges. Leave worries behind and face obstacles with unwavering determination. The beginning of the week brings anxieties concerning home and family matters. Business might face some hurdles, with money stuck in the market causing concern. Employed individuals might encounter workplace obstacles and problems. Expenses might exceed income.

In the second half, heed the advice of seniors or well-wishers regarding land and property disputes. Prioritise your health and drive cautiously, as illness, injury, or a resurfacing of an old disease are possible. Be cautious in love relationships, avoid ignoring your partner’s feelings, and refrain from flaunting your affection to avoid problems. Children’s matters might cause concern. However, your spouse stands by you through tough times.

  • Lucky Colour: Blue
  • Lucky Number: 5


This week achieving success requires extra effort and unwavering focus. Don’t rely solely on luck, or you might miss out on golden opportunities. At work, be wary of hidden enemies and avoid shortcuts under anyone’s influence, as it could lead to future problems. Business might face tough challenges. Mid-week might bring family disputes. While resolving them, prevent disagreements from escalating.

Later in the week, business-related journeys prove pleasant and profitable. You might meet an influential person who opens doors to future lucrative schemes. Approach love relationships with caution. Misunderstandings with your partner are possible. Resolve them through communication, or your relationship might suffer. Established relationships might face strain. In married life, avoid neglecting your spouse’s feelings.

  • Lucky Colour: Green
  • Lucky Number: 1


This week combine logic and emotion when making critical decisions. Avoid impulsive choices concerning home, family, or business. When confused, postpone decisions rather than making hasty ones. Mid-week work travels, short or long, are likely. Prioritisze health and luggage safety during travel. Ancestral property disputes with relatives might arise.

Businesses face challenges, experiencing higher expenditures than income. Spending beyond means on luxuries might bring disappointment. Be honest and mindful in your love relationship. Rash actions could lead to breakups. Your spouse’s health and children’s future might cause concern.

  • Lucky Colour: Brown
  • Lucky Number: 3


Ganesha says this week holds a mixed bag for Librans. Be wary of envious individuals at the beginning, as they might try to derail your goals. Increased household spending on repairs or purchases is likely. Hard work brings enough income to cover basic needs. Business owners might face difficulties retrieving stuck market funds. Be extra cautious in financial transactions.

Mid-week might see students losing interest in studies, while youth prioritize leisure. The latter half brings potential major changes for employed individuals. With the help of a friend or influential person, career advancement opportunities arise. This time proves auspicious for working women, and plans for property transactions materialize. Love relationships deepen, fostering harmony and intimacy with your partner. Married life remains blissful.

  • Lucky Colour: Gray
  • Lucky Number: 10


Ganesha advises Scorpios to avoid laziness and pride this week, or golden opportunities will slip away. Success in any endeavor demands effective time and energy management. Your health might hinder achieving set goals. Prioritize maintaining good health and daily routines. Business people might encounter ups and downs mid-week. Personal life may also oscillate between problem resolution and complications. However, family, particularly your father, offers unwavering support.

Students need dedication to succeed in exams and competitions. An influential encounter in the latter half paves the way for future profits. Employed individuals might receive a desired promotion or transfer. Spouse’s achievements bring joy to the family. Love relationships deepen, and you get to spend happy moments with your partner. Harmony prevails in married life.

  • Lucky Colour: White
  • Lucky Number: 4


Ganesha foretells a bustling week for Sagittarians, starting with completing essential tasks. With the help of your best friend or an influential person, you successfully tackle long-pending tasks. Amidst workplace fluctuations, you might receive significant responsibilities. Embrace these with a proactive approach, seeking opportunities amidst challenges. Employed individuals seeking good opportunities might see their wishes fulfilled this week.

Friends play a crucial role in career and business advancement. Business-related journeys in the latter half prove pleasant and profitable. Expressing your love to someone might bear fruit. Harmony strengthens in existing relationships, and you enjoy pleasant times with your love partner. Family trips to tourist destinations are possible. Health remains normal.

  • Lucky Colour: Black
  • Lucky Number: 13


Ganesha cautions Capricorns about prioritizing health and relationships this week. An argument with a family member at the beginning can cause mental distress. If the dispute involves land, building, or property, prioritize mutual agreement over legal recourse. Lack of expected support from seniors or juniors at work might demotivate you. People associated with business require caution in financial transactions.

However, the latter half of the week sees improvement. With the help of an influential person, you find solutions to family and work-related problems. Children’s achievements become a source of pride and respect. Love relationships strengthen, and your family might accept your love and agree to marriage. A religious trip with your spouse is possible. Pay close attention to your eating habits and daily routine.

  • Lucky Colour: Golden
  • Lucky Number: 2


Ganesha warns Aquarians of potential dangers from debt, illness, and enemies this week. Increased spending on home repairs or luxuries at the beginning might disrupt your budget and lead to borrowing. Be wary of individuals sabotaging your plans behind your back. Avoid revealing your strategy before implementation. Carefully scrutinize legal agreements or plans before signing.

Seeking advice from a senior or well-wisher is advisable before venturing into business expansion. Obstacles might arise in your love relationship, causing mental distress. Family issues might also impact your married life.

  • Lucky Colour: Lavender
  • Lucky Number: 11


Ganesha advises Pisceans to consider the advice of well-wishers and relatives’ feelings while making major decisions this week. If contemplating a job change, carefully analyse the potential trade-offs before making any move. In business, proceed with caution, or you might face setbacks. Fluctuations in your business are temporary, and things will regain stability in the future.

Be mindful while resolving personal issues. Whether with a love partner or spouse, prioritize dialogue over arguments to avoid further complications. Maintain distance from those who disrupt your happiness. An opportunity to participate in an auspicious program arises at the week’s end.

  • Lucky Colour: Purple
  • Lucky Number: 9.

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