The 25th instalment in the popular James Bond franchise will release on November 8, 2019. The film's makers said that casting will be announced at a later date.
Los Angeles: The upcoming 25th instalment in the popular James Bond franchise has been slated for a release on November 8, 2019.
Daniel Craig, who has been playing the famous spy since 2006 film Casino Royale, has not yet been announced as being back as the British Secret Service agent.
The film's makers said that casting will be announced at a later date, reports hollywoodreporter.com.
Besides the lead actor, a director for the film has also not been revealed.
The franchise has been very successful with Craig in the starring role.
The 2012 Skyfall earned $1.1 billion, while 2015's Spectre minted $880 million at the box office worldwide. Both featured Craig,
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