What To Eat And What To Avoid During The Monsoon Season
What To Eat And What To Avoid During The Monsoon Season
If going disease-free is your intention during the monsoon season, then following ritucharya and adding the following foods to your diet immediately is something you should consider.

Monsoon might be the season of fried food and hot cups of tea for most, but that’s not all it is. Many types of illnesses are at their peak during this season, and this includes malaria, dengue, typhoid, food poisoning, diarrhoea, vitamin D deficiency and skin infections. This is the reason why having a balanced diet during monsoons is as important as it is during other seasons.What to eat during monsoon season

This concept of eating balanced meals according to the seasons is known as ritucharya in Ayurveda, and it’s known to acclimatise the immune system and mind as per the needs of the season. If going disease-free is your intention during the monsoon season, then following ritucharya and adding the following foods to your diet immediately (and in plenty) is something you should consider.

What not to eat during monsoon season

Along with following a balanced diet during monsoon, there are also a number of unhealthy eating practices you should avoid. These food habits are likely to increase your risks of contracting diseases during the monsoon season.

For more information, read our article on Diseases during monsoon.Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

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